Контрольная работа

Контрольная работа по Иностранному языку 4

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Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.

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                            Контрольная работа №1

                             Вариант  2.

I.            Напишите следующие предложения во множественном числе.

1)  “Whose file is this?”- “This is our file.”

2)    That is his office.

3)   Whose offer is this?

4)   This is a nice green carter.

5)   “Where is the Contract  from  GML?”- “It is on your desk.”


1)     Whose files are these? These are our files.

2)     Those are his offices.

3)     Whose offers are these?

4)     These are nice green carpets.

5)     Where are the contracts from GML? They are on your desk.

II.            Переделайте предложения так, чтобы подчеркнутые существительные были в притяжательном падеже:

1)     That is a file cabinet of our director.

2)     This is an enquiry of our customers.

3)     That is a business plan of my friend.

4)     Those are documents of our economists.

5)     This is a cable of our company manager.

1)     That is our director’s file cabinet.

2)     This is our customer’s enquiry.

3)     That is my friend’s business plan.

4)     Those are our economist’s documents.

5)     This is our company manager’s cable.

III.            Замените выделенные слова личными местоимениями в объектном падеже:

1)     Read these offers and letters to your General Director.

2)     Put that brown pencil on my desk, please.

3)     I meet our secretary in the office every day.

4)     Our  work  helps  me and my friend to speak  German  well.

5)     Our manager is discussing business matters with the manager of GML now.
1)     Read them to your general director.

2)     Put it on my desk.

3)     I meet her in the office every day.

4)     Our work helps us speak German well.

5)     Our manager is discussing business matters with him now.
IV.            Поставьте have got, has got, haven 4 got или hasn`t got:

1)     “____ a computer?”-  “No, I have not.”

2)     “____ a big office?”- “ Yes, my office is large.”

3)      Our director ____ much time. He is very busy.

4)     I____ many books at home . I don’t like reading.

5)     Our manager ___ many offers from different firms in his file.
1)     Have you got a computer? No, I have not.

2)     Have you got a big office? Yes, my office is large.

3)     Our director hasn’t got much time. He is very busy.

4)     I haven’t got many books at home. I don’t like reading.

5)     Our manager has got many offers from different firms in his files.
V.            Составьте предложения, поставив глаголы в нужной форме:

1)     (My boss/ meet/ seldom/ at his office/ customers).

2)     (work / Margaret/ hard/ usually).

3)     (our secretary/ does/ foreign/ learn/ languages?)

4)     (there are/ English/ not many/ in books/ our library).
1)     My boss seldom meets customers at his office.

2)     Margaret usually works hard.

3)     Does our secretary learn foreign languages?

4)     There are not many English books in our library.
VI.            Поставьте по одному общему вопросу к каждому предложению, используя вспомогательные глаголы do или  does:

1)     Our manager seldom discusses business matters on the phone.

2)     My family usually watch TV in the evening.

3)     His friend often comes to his office to help him.

4)     She likes to drink coffee with milk.

5)     Different foreign delegations arrive in Moscow every day.
1)     Does your manager often discuss business matters on the phone?

2)     When does your family usually watch TV?

3)     Does his friend often come to help him?

4)     How does she like to drink coffee?

5)     Do different foreign delegations arrive in Moscow every day?
VII.            Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам:

1)     Our people are always very busy.

2)     Our secretary usually makes coffee in the morning.

3)     I seldom send letters to his firm.

4)     We prepare different documents for the talks.

5)     My friend speaks German well.
1)     Are our people always very busy?

2)     When is coffee usually made by our secretary?

3)     Are letters often sent to his firm?

4)     What documents do you prepare for the talks?

5)     How well does your friend speak German?
VIII.            Заполните пропуски словами a lot of, much, many, (a) few, (a) little:

1)     Our secretary never drinks           coffee during office hours.

2)     There is        sugar in my coffee. Give me some more, please.

3)     Would you like some tea? Yes       .

4)     There are      good students in my group. They know English well.

5)      Our company has         money, we can’t buy this equipment.
1)     Our secretary never drinks a lot of coffee during office hours.

2)     There is little sugar in my coffee. Give me some more, please.

3)     Would you like some tea? Yes, a little.

4)     There are a few good students in my group. They know English well.

5)     Our company has little money, we can’t buy this equipment.
IX.            Заполните пропуски , используя вспомогательные глаголы  am/is/are или do/don V does/ doesn 4:

1)     “ Where ___you come from?”- “the USA”.

2)     What’s funny? Why you laughing?

3)     Our engineers____ discussing prices now. They   Having talks.

4)     It___ snowing and it is very cold.

5)     We____speak  English much. We usually write and read.
1)     Where do you come from? The USA!

2)     What’s funny? Why are you laughing?

3)     Our engineers are discussing prices now. They are having talks.

4)     It is snowing and it is very cold.

5)     We don’t speak English much. We usually write and read.
X.            Заполните пропуски,  используя местоимения some,any,no:

1)     I see___ telexes on my desk. Where are they?

2)     _____people are hardworking,     are lazy.

3)     “Are there foreign newspapers on your table?”- “ No, there are    foreign newspapers.”

4)     I would like to buy       mineral water. Let’s go to the supermarket.

5)     This business letter is very short. You must add details about new equipment.
1)     I see no telexes on my desk. Where are they?

2)     Some people are hardworking. Some are lazy.

3)     Are there foreign newspapers on your table? No, there are no foreign newspapers.

4)     I would like to buy some mineral water. Let’s go to the supermarket.

5)     This business letter is very short. You must add some details about new equipment.
XI.            Дайте следующие предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной форме:

1)     There is a computer on our secretary’s desk.

2)     There are many books and business journals in our library.

3)     There are lot of newspapers and magazines on the sofa.
1)     There is no computer on our secretary’s desk. Is there a computer on our secretary’s desk?

2)     There are not many books and business journals in our library. Are there many books and business journals in our library?

3)     There aren’t a lot of newspapers and magazines on the sofa. Are there a lot of newspapers and magazines on the sofa?
XII.            Прочитайте и постарайтесь понять следующий текст. Письменно переведите текст.


Moscow is the capital of our country. It was founded in 1147 by Prince Yuri Dolgorukyi. Now Moscow is the largest political, economic and administrative center of the country. It is one of the world’s cultural, scientific and art centers.

Moscow lies on both sides of the Moskva  river. The heart of  Moscow is Red Square and the Kremlin. The main and the tallest of the Kremlin towers is the Spasskaya  Tower. Thousands of tourists admire the majestic beauty of the red-brick walls and towers of  the Kremlin, the fantastic beauty of-St. Basil’s Cathedral, a masterpiece of ancient Russian architecture. In fact, Moscow is famous all over the world for its museum and galleries Among them most well-known is the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts which houses f wonderful collection of world painting and sculpture. The Tretyakov Picture Gallery is also very popular with its masterpieces of  Russian pictorial art.

In Moscow there are a lot of exhibition halls, palaces of  culture, libraries and theaters.

Many tourists enjoy the magnificent building of the University.  The Moscow Metro is not only a comfortable, rapid and economic means of transport but also one of the tourists’ attraction.
Москва это столица нашей страны. Она была основана в 1147 году принцем Юрием Долгоруким. Теперь Москва является крупнейшим, политическим, экономическим и административным центром страны. Она является одним из мировых центров культуры, науки и искусства. Москва пролегает на обеих сторонах Москва-реки.

Сердце Москвы это Красная Площадь. Главная и самая высокая из Кремлевских башен – Спасская Башня. Люди со всей страны слушаю звон Кремлевских курантов на Спасской Башне. Тысячи туристов восхищаются величественной красотой краснокирпичных стен и башен Кремля, фантастической красотой Храма Василия Блаженного – шедевром старинной российской архитектуры. На самом деле, Москва знаменита по всему миру своими музеями и галереями, среди которых наиболее знаменитым является Музей Изобразительных Искусств имени Пушкина, в котором хранится изумительная коллекция живописи и скульптуры.

Третьяковская картинная галерея тоже очень популярна своими шедеврами Российского живописного искусства. В Москве много выставочных залов, дворцов культуры, библиотек и театров. Многие туристы наслаждаются величавым зданием университета.

Московское метро не только удобное, быстрое и экономичное средство передвижения, оно также является одной из туристических достопримечательностей.

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