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Russia And CIS Essay, Research Paper

When the Soviet Union fell in 1991, due to many pressures both internal and

external, the ex-soviet satellites were given their independence, much to

Russia’s dismay. A new trend towards sovereignty made it difficult for the

largest country in the world to deny it’s former members the right to separate.

However, even with the creation of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS),

Russia is still heavily involved with the matters of its former soviet members.

This then leaves the question, are those former states truly sovereign? In the

following pages we will examine the many reasons as to why this question is

currently being posed. Firstly, we will look at Russia’s history on the

international scene and how they have not really changed their agenda throughout

the last century, up into the present. Along with the brief history, we shall

elaborate on the reasons why the CIS was founded. Furthermore, modern day Russia

seems to feel the need to impose itself upon these new sovereign states for

various reasons that we will elaborate upon. Lastly, the members of the CIS see

Russia as both a friend and foe to the organisation, which will be shown by

looking at their interests and why they have divided views. However, to fully

understand the complexities that are the Russian Empire, let us take a step back

in time to when Peter the Great was building a country of grandeur. In the early

18th century, Peter the Great continued the expansion set forth by his

predecessors, and fought a long war against the seasoned Swedish army. With the

final defeat of their army, Peter gained control of several small countries,

Latvia, Lithuania, Ingria and Estonia. Upon his return from the war the Russian

senate voted that he bear the title of the Great and Emperor, his acceptance of

the last title marked the official inauguration of the Russian Empire. Peter the

Great continued to fight wars in hopes of expanding Russia’s borders and its

economy, regardless of cost, which eventually led to mistrust within the empire.

Russia was indeed a world power, influencing and controlling its neighbours.

Having built such a vast empire was only part of Peter’s public appeal, he was a

very ruthless but enlightened leader, the kind that appealed to the Russian

people. In one of the bloodier cases, he had 1000 members of a coup d’йtat

assassinated, a punishment that he himself helped administer. Upon his death,

many school children were then raised to see Peter as a hero, and a model

leader. Perhaps then it is not so surprising that in the decades to follow, his

accepted ruthlessness would be passed down into the next generations of leaders,

this time having stricter doctrines within the regimes. As Karl Marx’s ideas of

socialism spread across a desperate nation several men stepped forward to end

the oppression and starvation of their beloved country. The Russian revolution

in 1917 seemed to be a refreshing change compared to the imperialism of the old

regime and so countries such as Ukraine, Poland and Belarus joined willingly,

hoping to find guidance for their country. Regardless of the many positive

changes in the late 1920’s, Joseph Stalin gained sole control of the Soviet

Union and was more or less as ruthless as Peter the great himself. He began

expanding and militarising the union, putting the state above each and every

man. In the Ukraine, profitable farms were condensed into collective farms

hoping to support industrialisation, and as a result there was a great famine

and an estimated 5 to 7 million Ukrainians died. Even in Ukraine’s darker

period, because of their many natural resources, they were still considered very

important to the Soviet Empire, almost its backbone. The Ukraine was not the

only country to be used by the Soviets. Since the USSR spanned eight time zones,

the land occupied was enormous; in fact it was the largest in the world. With

such diverse landscapes there came many different natural resources which were

used to feed and house the population of the Soviet Union as well as push the

economy forward with its exports. The trees blanketing one-third of the Soviet

Union constituted more than one-quarter of the earth’s forest cover,

subsequently making it one of the main exports, coming second only to the mining

industry. The mineral deposits and precious metals in the Ukrainian and Siberian

areas brought in the most revenue for the Soviets. Now it is quite evident that

one of the reasons that the USSR prospered was that upon its vast amount of land

were several different resources which they had every right to exploit, allowing

access to the whole of the union, rather than one single area within. As the

Soviet Union weakened, its last secretary general, Mikhail Gorbachev, decided

that it was time to end the socialist era in 1991.Many countries, who had relied

upon the omnipresent Soviet government for so long, were lost. New governments

were appointed in each new state, and so, the roller coaster began. At first it

seemed as if a great weight had been lifted from the minds of the people in

Eastern Europe, but it was soon apparent that a new accord would have to be

signed to protect the minorities within the neighbouring states and distribute

the Soviet armed forces, among other things. The newly elected Russian

president, Boris Yeltsin, the Ukrainian president, Leonid Kravchuk and the

Supreme Soviet Chairman, Stanislav Shushkevich, met in the secluded Minsk forest

in December of 1991 to discuss the terms for the new accord. However, as time

would later prove, there was a wide gulf in the understanding between the

"fathers" of the commonwealth. "Boris Yeltsin would manoeuvre for

Russian supremacy over the organisation. Leonid Kravchuk would insist on an

amicable separation between equal and sovereign independent states. Stanislav

Shushkevich would argue for Belarusian neutrality and a multinational,

"rule-of-international-law" organisation that would enable Belarus to

sow the first seeds of a separate national identity." Since these countries

had been linked so closely together for such a long time, they shared many

common bonds, some of which Russia was not ready to let go. When the accord was

created and the parties had all agreed to the terms, things appeared to be fine.

However, it took little time to realise that Russia was unsatisfied with the

direction in which things were heading and proceeded to place itself at the head

of the arena. Moscow was sick and tired of complying with the opinions of its

partners and decided to exercise the right of Big Brother to the CIS. They

continued on to forbid CIS members to pursue independent external policies.

Yeltsin called it "committing to their first priority, the CIS, and to

refrain from participation in unions or blocs against any or all of the

states." There is an actual clause stating that if any member of the CIS

forms an alliance outside the given states then they will be forced to withdraw

from the commonwealth, however, it is no surprise that clause does not apply,

nor will ever apply, to Russia. As stated in president Kravchuk’s electoral

slogan, "Russia does not intend to develop its relations with CIS countries

on the basis of international law. (?) the further integration with the

Commonwealth is leading to the watering down of CIS countries sovereignty,

subordination of the interests to those of Russia, and the recreation of a

centralised superpower." We have seen that Russia has always had interests

in her neighbouring countries, sometimes turning violent, sometimes not, but

always causing tension. The many borders surrounding the largest country in the

world preoccupy its government for safety reasons. During the Soviet reign, and

most importantly during the cold war, the Soviet states surrounding Russia were

a security barrier, a guarantee the west wouldn’t creep up to the Kremlin

unnoticed. However, there have been offers by NATO to several of the countries

of the CIS for membership, consequently enraging Russia, who does not want the

western organisation sitting on its doorstep. NATO argues that it is not

expanding to spite Russia and has even offered them a seat, which, was evidently

refused. Even though there is tension with the occident, North America is not

what preoccupies Yeltsin the most. With the bombings in Kosovo this past year,

we can see that Moscow’s concerns fall mostly in Europe. Because of the Kosovo

bombings there have been threats by Moscow to form negative alliances with

Yugoslavia, Ukraine, Iran and China if there were to be a NATO enlargement?

L’expansion de l’OTAN qui montre sa dйtermination а dominer la planиte

pour les prochaines cinquante et une annйes obligera la Russie а

recrйer son propre potentiel militaire ?, йcrit Vladimir

Kouznetchevski, qui ajoute : ? On ne peut arrкter cette expansion que par

la force.? However, an alliance of that kind would alienate them from the west,

as well as financial aid. Albeit Russia’s current preoccupation with the eastern

European NATO expansion and the bombings in Kosovo, it has never had the

intention to join the neither European Union nor NATO. Moscow has been offered,

at several occasions, a place at the EU to calm tense nerves, but like with

NATO, it refused. To join itself to either would mean subjecting Russia to the

discipline and will of its former rivals, so they have chosen to counter it.

They have participated in several European security meetings and are no stranger

to dealings with the EU, but are too proud to accept membership. To compensate

for this over sized ego on the global market, they depend on the members of the

CIS, who are also "encouraged" to avoid contact with NATO as well. At

times Moscow has been known use pressure tactics on the countries to get its

way. It would seem that Russian influence is as important to Moscow as the

nation’s security. In the Caucasus, Moscow is supporting both Karabakh and

Abkhazia, two nations who have had longstanding disputes. This move allows

Russia to play both sides and still remain influential. Their fear is this; if

quarrelling countries are able to resolve their conflicts, then Russia will have

no say and will see its power and influence over the region diminish. Overall,

Russia’s crisis management has been known to be self-serving, resembling more

the tactics of dividing and ruling than integration. Georgia and Armenia are

currently addressing the possibility of peace settlements, but they are both

hoping that Russia’s direct role in their business is finished, as unlikely as

it seems. One of the reasons for which Moscow is so busy with external affairs

is that its own country is in shambles. "La corruption financiиre

sans limites, la dйgradation nationale et le cataclysme йconomique

dans lesquels se dйbat la Russie depuis l’arrivйe au pouvoir de M.

Boris Eltsine en 1991 n’ont pas de prйcйdent dans l’histoire du

capitalisme au XXe siиcle. En huit ans, les apparatchiks du prйsident,

la nouvelle oligarchie et leurs mentors amйricains ont ruinй le

pays." Experts have compared modern Russia to Chicago in the 1920’s because

of the extreme crime rate. It is well known that Russian Mafia play a large part

in the running of the country, with influence in the surrounding areas as well,

and as such the people have lost faith in their government. There is not only a

problem with crime however, the economy is much worse. Boris Yeltsin is trying

to strengthen his appeal to voters by giving them what they want, a strong

Russia. Throughout Russia’s history, there has always been a legacy of strength

and power. When the USSR failed and the government became democratic, the people

believed that it would bring them prosperity. However, it brought them

corruption, in the greatest sense of the word. As mentioned above, inner turmoil

and bankruptcy are tearing Russia apart. Unpaid salaries are among the dozens of

hardships the Russian population is facing, but seeing as they are a democratic

nation, the impoverished masses are voters, and will decide Yeltsin’s fate. He

is trying to win over his people by getting Russia involved in international

situations. Take for instance the conflict in Kosovo; there have always been

tensions between Moscow and Yugoslavia, but Yeltsin rallied his people against

the American bombings. Regardless of the tension, the masses are focusing their

anger towards anti-American propaganda because it is all they have. "La

crise des Balkans agit sur l’йvolution du paysage politique russe de maniиre

multiforme. Si, jusqu’ici, le thиme du ? complot amйricain contre

la Russie ? ne rencontrait qu’un йcho assez modйrй, la crise

du Kosovo survient dans un contexte en pleine йvolution." Moscow

needs to fuel the fire to keep people’s faith. "Pour beaucoup de Russes, la

guerre menйe par l’OTAN confirme la volontй des Amйricains de

mettre leur pays а genoux. D’autant qu’ils sont sensibles а leur

isolement croissant." The recent conflict in Chechnya is yet another

instance where Russia refuses to let go. They have asked for their independence

on countless occasions since the reign of Peter the Great and have always been

refused. Just recently, there has been some activity around the Russian-Chechnyan

border causing panic throughout the state. Unfortunately though, Moscow has

played the situation to it’s fullest, bombing their own civilian buildings and

placing the blame on Chechnyan terrorists, subsequently winning over the Russian

people. Just like in the Russian Tsarist and Stalinist periods, Yeltsin is using

force to appeal to the Russian public. Instead of giving the small nation their

independence, the Yeltsin government has pushed them over once again, only this

time bombing civilians and creating thousands of casualties. Moscow is

disregarding the suggestion for peace by CIS members and justifies the bombings

for its own gain. It would seem that the CIS only matters when it will profit

Russia. The members of the CIS also have issues with Russia. It is known that

Moscow uses the Commonwealth for its own purpose but its members are not wholly

ignorant. Some countries need Russia, or have been led to believe they do, and

some know they do not need Russia but can’t seem to shake them off. During the

Soviet period many Russians emigrated all over its territory, settling families

and lives. Today that is causing many problems with countries that would choose

to oppose Russia, the Ukraine for instance. There are nearly 15 millions

Russians within Ukraine’s borders, and as such they are a heavy minority. They

represent enough of a pull for the government not to disregard them in matters

of the state. Russia has much say in Ukrainian dealings because of that specific

minority, albeit president Kravchuk’s disapproval. It is known amongst the

ex-Soviet states that the Russians overlook other nationalities with an undue

degree of ethnic superiority, creating tensions. Ukraine has a problem with this

but can say nothing because of the repercussions it would cause between them and

Russia, especially since there is enough tension there already. The Ukraine also

relies heavily on Russian fuel and has strong cultural links so it wouldn’t be

able to find allies elsewhere without being cutoff of a vital supply. In 1995,

Russia threatened to call the Ukraine a bankrupt country and demand their debt

be paid off in Ukraine assets. Moscow is using its imports, exports and past

debts to manipulate other countries. Another country stuck in Russia’s economic

grasp is Kyrgyzstan. The Kyrgyz government believes that to be truly independent

economically, they must depend on Russian support. The president stated,

"If we break these relations, there is a risk that the Kyrgyz will return

to their traditional nomadic life as cattle breeders." They rely on fuel

material, lubricants and equipment provided by Russia, which, if they were to be

taken away, would greatly affect Kyrgyz agriculture. Also, reforms in the

mid-Asian state also depend on Russia, or so believe the president of Kyrgyz,

"it will be impossible to achieve reforms in Kyrgyzstan without close

cooperation with Russia." There is a fear throughout many mid-Asian

countries that if they turn their interests to the south or west for economic

purposes, they will lose all support from Russia. This does not leave them much

choice in the matters of their states. They have been dependant on their

northern ally for such a long time that it would appear they know no better than

to agree with whatever decision comes their way. We can see that through

manipulation and the image of power, Russia tends to get its way, all the while

impeding on the sovereignty of its neighboring states. Russia today is not that

different from the Russia back in the 19th century, doing what it can to form a

superpower, at which they are the head country. Even as Russia is in its darkest

economic period they have not let go of their pride, rallying the people to

support the Kremlin’s decisions, as well as manipulation the other countries

into believing Russia is the beginning and the end of eastern European politics.

Many scholars believe that the CIS is in fact Russia is piecing together its

former federation, a fallen power desperate to hold on to everything it has, or

can have for that matter. Russia does not have to be strong to possess power,

Kissinger once wrote that the perception of power is as manipulative as power

itself, something the Kremlin knows well. Current academic works have already

begun replacing the term Commonwealth of Independent States with a much simpler

term, Russia. It will be interesting to see in the coming years where such a

country will be. With the failing economy and internal politics turned inside

out by crime, one would think not to far, but Russia still has enough kick to

get by and maybe what the critics say is true, with the help from the west,

Russia will rebuild its empire to one day stand again.

1-Bremmer, Ian, Russia’s Total Security, World Policy Journal Volume XVI No.2

Summer 1999 2-Brzezkinski, Zbigniew- Sullivan, Paige, Russia and the

Commonwealth of Independent States- Documents, Data and Analysis, Library of

Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data, New York, 1997, 855 pages 3-LE MONDE

DIPLOMATIQUE – Ukraine, une sociйtй bloquйe MAI 1998 – Page 8

http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/1998/05/PFLIMLIN/10467.html 4-LE MONDE

DIPLOMATIQUE – Tempкte politique en Russie JUIN 1999 – Page 10 http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/1999/06/RADVANYI/12117.html

5-Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 2000, Interactive software, 1999 6-The National

Russia and Election 2000 September 6/13, 1999 http://www.thenation.com

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