Реферат Unite 3 Basic Economic Terms
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«Иностранный язык профессионально-коммуникативный»
3 –
1. Study the following vocabulary before reading.
aggregate demand совокупный доход
chargeable taxes взимаемые налоги
collect taxes взимать налоги
direct taxes прямые налоги
econometrics экономика
equilibrium равновесие
exact a tax взыскать налог
externalities внешние
factors of production факторы производства
fixed tax фиксированный налог
gross national product (GNP) валовой национальный продукт
impose a tax вводить налог
income tax подоходный налог
indirect tax косвенный налог
macroeconomics макроэкономика
microeconomics микроэкономика
pay taxes платить налоги
progressive tax прогрессивный налог
special tax специальный налог
surtax дополнительный налог
taxable object объект налога
taxpayer субъект налога
tax declaration налоговая декларация
tax laws налоговое законодательство
turnover tax налог с оборота
2. Read the sentences “Basic Economic Terms”.
1. Factors of production (or inputs) are resources used by firms in their production process, namely land and the natural resources in it, labor, capital, and (in recent definitions) information.
2. Externalities (or spillovers) are costs imposed on others without their receiving compensation, or benefits received by others without their paying the proper costs.
3. Microeconomics concerns the economic factors affecting individual consumers and companies.
4. Equilibrium is a state of balance, for example, when supply meets demand.
5. Econometrics is the application of mathematical and statistical models to economic theories and problems.
6. Macroeconomics is the study and analysis of the economy as a whole.
7. Aggregate demand is the total amount spent in a country by consumers, companies, and the government.
8. Gross national product (GNP) is the total wealth earned or created in a country in a year.
9. Endogenous means coming from or controlled from within, e.g. variables that are totally under the control of a company, a government, etc.
10. Exogenous means coming from or controlled from or without; uncontrollable variables.
Language development
3. Which twelve terms in the box are defined in the sentences below?
aggregate supply balance of payments capital
cost of living economic economical
economize economy fiscal
free enterprise fluctuate inflation
inputs market monetarism
protectionism scarcity standard of living
Adjective meaning of or relating to an economy or economics.
Adjective meaning related to public (i.e. government) finances (taxation, expenditure, etc.).
Adjective meaning using a minimum of resources; or cheap.
A rise in the general level of prices, and an increase in the money supply.
A shortage of sometimes; insufficient supply to meet demand.
The accumulated stock of goods used for the production of further goods (and the money required to purchase them)
A measure of the amount of money that has to be paid for essentials such as food, accommodation, heating, clothing, etc.
A measure of the amount of disposable income that people have to spend on both necessities and luxuries.
The difference between what a country pays for its imports and receives for its exports.
The practice of restricting imports in order to increase the sales of domestic products .
To change constantly, to show irregular variation.
To save money, to reduce an amount normally used.
4. Here are the words and phrases you need to talk about trends using graphs. Make sure you can translate these “Describing Graphs” into your own language.
UP - verbs
go up take off shoot up soar jump
increase rise grow improve rocket
UP – nouns
an increase a rise a growth an improvement
an upturn a surge an upsurge an upward trend
DOWN – verbs
go /come down fall fall off drop slump
decline decrease slip plummet shrink
DOWN – nouns
a fall a decrease a decline a drop
a downturn a downward trend
NO CHANGE – verbs
remain stable level off stay at same level
remain constant stagnate stabilize
AT THE TOP – verbs
reach a peak peak top out
reach a low point bottom out recover
Adjectives: dramatic, considerable, sharp, significant, substantial, moderate,
Adverbs: dramatically, considerably, sharply, significantly, substantially,
moderately, slightly;
abrupt sudden rapid quick steady gradual slow
a rise from ₤1m to ₤2m to increase by 50%
to fall by 30% an increase of 7.5 per cent over last year
5. What are “The Three Sectors of the Economy”? Match the following questions and answers;
1. What do we mean by the primary sector of the economy?
2. What happens to the food extracted in the primary?
3. So what’s the secondary sector?
4. How do people in the secondary sector make things?
5. And the tertiary sector?
6. Why is the number of people working in the primary sector regularly declining?
7. And why is the secondary sector getting smaller in many of these countries?
8. But not tertiary services?
a. Because agricultural methods are always becoming more efficient. Western Europe and the
b. Because much manufacturing can be carried out more cheaply in low-wage economies, for example in East and South-East Asian countries like China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Malaya and Vietnam.
c. Agriculture and the extraction of raw materials from the earth or the sea.
d. It includes the commercial services that enable industry to produce and distribute goods to their final consumes (trade, banking, warehousing, transport, communications, and so on) , as well as activities like education, heals care and tourism.
e. It involves the transformation of raw materials into finished products.
f. Not if the activities require a lot of training, education, know-how and technology.
g. Only some of them. Manufacturing companies also employ finance and marketing managers, administrative staff, maintenance staff, and so on.
h. Some of it, such as fresh fruit or fish, is consumed almost immediately after extraction; the rest serves as raw material for the secondary sector.
1 | | 2 | | 3 | | 4 | | 5 | | 6 | | 7 | | 8 | |
6. Add verbs in the correct form to the following sentences.
1. Raw materials are . . . .from the ground and then either . . . . , or . . . . into finished goods.
2. Before finished goods are sold they often have to be . . . . , . . . . , . . . . , etc.
7. Match up the phrasal verbs on the left with the verbs that have a similar meaning on the right:
1. bottom out a. accept ( job, responsibility, etc.)
2. bring out b. continue
3. carry on c. decline
4. carry out d. dismiss
5. close down e. establish
6. count on f. have confidence in
7. cut back on g. increase
8. fall off h. introduce something new
9. lay off i. postpone, delay
10. level off j. reach the lowest point
11. look through k. read quickly
12. look for l. reduce
13. mark up m. reduce in size
14. pull out of n. shut
15. put off o. stabilize
16. scale down p. try to find
17. set up q. do or undertake
18. take on r. withdraw from
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 -
10 - 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18-
8. Use each of the phrasal verbs above once to complete the text. You may need to use the past tense, the past participle or the present continuous form.
After three years of rapid grown, sales began to (1). . . . . Then, with the recession, they (2). . . .dramatically. We had to (3). . . .the factory in
The unemployed had to (7) . . . . any kind of casual work they could find. We also had to (8) . . . . staff in the
9. Use the correct form of these verbs in the following sentences:
avoid be liable deduct evade levy lower pay raise |
1. If you inherit a lot of money, you …. for capital transfer tax.
2. In some countries, employers have to …. tax from your pay and ….it direct to the tax authorities, so employees have no possibility of ….income tax.
3. Some people hire expensive accountants to tell them how to ….taxes – legally, of course!
4. The government always tries to ….taxes in the year before elections.
5. The government has a huge deficit and is going to ….either the rate of VAT or income tax.
6. The government ….special taxes on petrol, alcohol and tobacco.
Listening & speaking
10. Listen to the text “Inflation”:
Inflation is a rise in the general level of prices. It is caused by an excess of demand over supply, and is related to an increase in the money supply. Single-digit inflation is usually described by economists as a moderate inflation. Double or triple-digit inflation, which some countries have survived for quite long periods, is known as galloping inflation. Inflation of four or more digits, as in
Prices in general tend to remain at the same anticipated level unless there are
demand-pull or cost-push shocks. If aggregate demand exceeds what a country can produce at full employment, prices will rise (including wages, the price of labor): this is demand-pull inflation. But, for the last fifty years, costs have pushed up prices and wages, even in recessions and periods of high unemployment: this is cost-push inflation. Cost-push inflation is caused, for example, when unions demand wages that employers cannot afford or when oil producers are able to raise their prices.
The opposite of inflation, when prices fall (generally for short periods), is deflation. Government policies can be inflationary (often by accident), disinflationary or reflationary. Disinflationary policies might be aimed at slowing down price inflation or at reducing imports, they involve reducing demand by raising taxation and / or cutting government spending. Reflationary policies, on the contrary, involve revitalizing a sluggish economy by increasing consumer demand, either by cutting taxes or raising benefits, or relaxing monetary and credit restrictions.
Inflation is measured by the retail price index (RPI) in
Unless inflation is both balanced (affecting all prices and costs equally) and anticipated, it distorts relative prices, tax rates and real interest rates. Unexpected inflation tends to benefit people with fixed nominal interest rate debts, and so disadvantage creditors and people with fixed nominal interest rate assets or non-index-linked pensions.
11. Make up the discussion with your partner. Use words and questions given below:
assets consumer debts deflation
excess employment hyperinflation interest
producers restrictions spending supply
unemployment weighted
1. What is the inflation rate in your country at present?
2. Can you give current examples of double and triple-digit inflation?
3. What is your government’s policy at the moment? Does it seem to be more concerned with price stability or with reducing unemployment?
Revision box
12. Use sentences 1 to 10 to make up a short text about “Government Spending”. Complete each sentence, by taking a middle part from the second box and from the third box:
1. If tax revenues are higher
2. If, on the contrary, government expenditures exceed
3. A structural surplus or deficit
4. A cyclical surplus or deficit, on the other hand,
5. Budget deficits have to be funded by the sale of government bonds,
6. The higher the amount of government bonds sold in a country,
7. Neo – classical economists
8. On the other hand, if the money supply is expanded,
9. The is partly due to the acceleration principle,
10. But of course everybody knows
a. called gilt - edged securities in
b. call this “crowding out”,
c. increased government spending
d. is result of government policies such as
e. is the result of the business cycle:
f. money collected by taxes,
g. than government spending,
h. that increasing the money supply
i. the less capital is available
j. which is that increased demand for consumer goods
__________________________________________________________________k. a country has a budget deficit.
l. a country has a budget surplus.
m. almost inevitably leads to inflation.
n. and Treasury bonds in the
o. and use it as an argument against Keynesian fiscal policies.
p. can raise output and investment, at least in the short term.
q. changes in spending or revenues caused by a boom or a slump.
r. for private sector investment.
s. produces a greater increased demand for capital goods.
t. tax rates, welfare and defense spending, and so on.
Beginning | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Middle | | | | | | | | | | |
Ending | | | | | | | | | | |
13. Match the following terms with the definitions below, and then use them to label the situations:
classical unemployment seasonal unemployment
cyclical unemployment structural unemployment
frictional unemployment voluntary unemployment
1. . . . . exists in trades or occupations where work fluctuates according to the time of year.
2. . . . . exists when people choose not to work, often because they cannot find jobs that pay enough money (e.g. more than social security benefits).
3. . . . . is temporary unemployment that arises when people voluntarily leave a job to look for another one.
4. . . . . is the loss of jobs caused when wages are too high
5. . . . . occurs during recessions, when the overall demand for labor declines.
6. . . . . occurs when the skills of available workers do not match the jobs vacant.
I lost my job with It’s crazy – the only
4,000 other people jobs available round
when they closed here pay less than I get
down the coal mine. from Social Security.
1._________________ 4. ____________________
I work with a traveling I’m a skilled electrician,
circus in the summer, but there’s such a slump
but it’s just closed for in the construction
the winter. industry right now that
I’m out of work.
The union went on I left my job last week
strike for 8% pay after an argument with
rise. They got it, but my boss. I’m sure I can
the company laid off find something better.
ten of us.
3. __________________ 6.____________________
14. Choose the correct words to complete each sentence:
1. The tax on wages and salaries (and business profits in the
a. direct tax b. income tax c. wealth tax
2. A tax that is levied at a higher rate on higher incomes is called a . . . . tax.
a. progressive b. regressive c. value-added
3. Property taxes, sales taxes, customs duties on imports, and excise duties on tobacco, alcoholic drinks, petrol, etc. are . . . .taxes.
a. direct b. indirect c. value-added
4. Most sales taxes are slightly. . . .because poorer people need to spend a larger proportion of their income on consumption than the rich.
a. progressive b. regressive c. repressive
5. A sales tax collected at each stage of production, excluding the already-taxed costs from previous stages, is called a . . . . .
a. sales tax b. value-added tax c. added-value tax
6. Profits made from the sale of assets are liable to a . . . . tax.
a. capital gains b. capital transfer c. wealth
7. Gifts and inheritances are usually liable to . . . . tax.
a. capital gains b. capital transfer c. wealth
8. Reducing the amount of tax you pay to a legal minimum is called . . . . .
a. fiscal policy b. tax avoidance c. tax evasion
9. Making false declarations is called . . . . and is obviously illegal.
a. creative accounting b. tax avoidance c. tax evasion
10. Bringing forward capital expenditure (on new factories, machines, and so on) so that at the end of the year all the profits have been used up is known as making a
. . . . .
a. mistake b. tax haven c. tax loss
11. Multinational companies often set up their head offices in low-tax countries such as
. . . . .
a. tax havens b. tax heavens c. tax shelters
12. Criminal multinationals such as the Mafia tend to pass money through a series of companies in very complicated transactions in order to disguise its origin from tax inspectors and the police; this is known as . . . . money.
a. cleaning b. laundering c. washing
15. Translate the text into English:
Два главных компонента деятельности по управлению налогами - это налоговые отчеты, согласование и налоговое планирование.
Первый из них включает подготовку отчетов, надлежащее указание текущих и отсроченных налоговых расходов и задолженностей по налоговым платежам в финансовых отчетах, а также контакты с налоговыми органами по проверке правильности начисления налогов.
Налоговое планирование – это непрерывный процесс наблюдения, предвидения и установления связей между развитием бизнеса и развитием налогового законодательства для достижения оптимальных долгосрочных экономических преимуществ для корпорации.
16. All the words below can be combined with tax or taxation in a two - word partnership (e.g. tax accounting, progressive taxation). Add tax and /or taxation before or after the following words:
1. ……..accounting…… 14. …….inspector…….
2. ……..allowance……. 15. …….loophole…….
3. ……..authority…….. 16. …….loss………….
4. ……..avoidance…… 17. …….payer………..
5. ……..consultant…… 18. …….progressive…
6. ……..corporation…. 19. …….rates…………
7. ……..deductible…... 20. …….rebate……….
8. ……..direct……….. 21. …….regressive…..
9. ……..evasion……… 22. …….retune………
10. ……..free………….. 23. …….sales………
11. ……..haven………… 24. …….shelter……..
12. ……..income………. 25. …….withholding...
13. ……..indirect……… 26. …….year…………