
Реферат The circumstances which have caused Crusades

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The circumstances which have caused Crusades

Crusades have not only general historical interest, as expression of ideas and mood of minds during the known period of medieval history. On the motives, and it is equal on the nearest consequences, in particular on various and deep influences on mutual relations of the East to the West, crusades aren't deprived special value for history of the East Europe people. Making rather important department in the West European history, crusades are plentiful the external facts and are rich with results which though have been bought by rather expensive price, but have powerfully affected spiritual development of the European people. Then the western Europeans for the first time in the big weights have risen from the places and, having got acquainted with unknown persons it the people and the countries, a part have acquired their customs and establishments, a part have transferred them the concepts and views. In the east before Europeans the new world with concepts absolutely new and alien to it, a way of life and a political system has opened. Stories and descriptions have made the rich literature which with a keen interest was read on monasteries and knight's castles. The western people have enclosed in crusades many the forces, both material, and spiritual, therefore there is nothing surprising that the national history of Frenchmen, Germans, Italians and Englishmen should give an important place to a statement of history of crusades.

For East Europe, in particular for Russian history, Crusades are of interest from other point of view, from a position of motives and results of crusades. Antagonism rather boldly acting in a modern history between the western and east Europe, sharply put forward contrast of interests and cultures romano-German and Greek-slavic, It was for the first time found out during an epoch of crusades, and present political and religious influence of the Catholic countries in the east by the beginnings goes back to the same epoch. Religious and the ethnic animosity to the Moslem, animating the first crusaders and supporting them in transferring of enormous deprivations and losses, has soon given way to other promptings which however have appeared isn't weaker at all than the first and continued to carry away on the East new and new western home guards. When the initial purpose Crusades movements has ceased to be supervising motive, political reasons were put forward on the first place. Not about Jerusalem and not about Groba Gospodnja clearing from hands incorrect, and leaders of crusaders began to think of the basis of independent reigning in the east, about a gain of Byzantium, at last, about trading advantages in areas Byzantine and Muslim. Thus, from the point of view of the East Europe history the epoch of crusades represents the most curious episode of struggle between the West and the East, struggle which yet hasn't terminated and until now and proceeds before our eyes, having connected various interests, both religious, and political and trading, in so-called East question.

East question: so in diplomacy and the historical literature the complex of the international contradictions of the end XVIII is called? The beginnings of XX centuries, connected with crisis of Ottoman empire and struggle of great European powers for section of its possession.

Needless to say, here relations of Byzantium to the Muslim world are meant. By VIII century Moslems have taken hold of Asia and Africa and have affirmed on islands of Mediterranean sea and as some areas of the Western Europe. In 717 they have besieged capital of east Christian world. But tsar Lev Isavr[1] has had time to connect against Mohammedans big sea and ground forces and has inflicted over them strong defeat near Constantinople; it was the first victory of the Christians which for a long time suspended a victorious pressure of the Muslim world and have rescued from enslavement by it forward Asia Minor. Soon then (in 732) Mohammedans have suffered the big defeat from Charles Martela, forced them for a long time to refuse attempts of new gains and in the Western Europe[2]. Despite local gains of Mohammedans on islands of Mediterranean sea (Crete and Sicily), despite a devastation, made by them in Italy and Southern France, in general in IX and X centuries they any more weren't so are terrible and victorious, as earlier. It partly speaks the internal phenomena observed in the most Muslim world. When the first religious heat has weakened, in the Mohammedan environment the conflicts expressed in political crushing of khlifat and in religious sectarianism have begun. It was gradually formed three khalifats: Baghdad, Egyptian or Fatimidsky, and Spanish or Omejjadsky[3]. Baghdad was divided into set of separate reignings in Х century; using its dissociation, the Byzantian emperors of Nikifor Foka and John Tsimishy[4] have taken away from it a part of Syria with the city of Antiohiej and island Crete[5]. Egyptian Khalifat operated separately from others and directed the energies against Sicily and Southern France. As to the Spanish Arabs they also have been occupied by internal wars and struggle with вестготами[6]. Muslim again becomes dangerous to Christians in XI century, and besides as in the east, and in the West. In the east Mohammedans have got new proselytes in the name of the Turkmans living about the Caspian and Aral seas. The Turkmans who have received then a name a Turk-seldzhukov[7], have intruded in areas Baghdad Khalifat, have subordinated to itself small masters of Iran and Mesopotamia and have started to take active part in affairs most khlifat, taking places of the approached advisers and managers of the Caliph and making its military force. Soon Turks-seldzhuki have transferred on themselves all interest of history of the Mohammedan world. They have won almost all Asia Minor, having formed powerful sultanat with capital in Ikonii, and threatened Constantinople[8]. One of large episodes of this epoch concentrates on events of 1071 when the sultan of the Alpes-Arslan has won a brilliant victory over the Byzantian armies at Manpikerte, in Armenia, having taken prisoner tsar Romana Diogena[9]. This defeat had great value not for one Byzantium, but also for all Christian world. For selzhuks the free way to sea of Marmara and Bosporus now opened, they could besiege Constantinople without especial difficulties. How were rough and selzhuki, they and then already understood that that plan of action which has been carried out subsequently ottovan by Turks[10], could be tried and now. That the thought on a gain of Constantinople wasn't alien to Turks-seldzhukam, is proved by the below-mentioned facts.

Speaking about a condition of the Muslim world on the eve of crusades, it is impossible to disregard the European relatives of selzhuks, well-known of Russian annals polov tribes and pechenegs which in the end of XI century have extended across Southern Russia and, passing through Danube, time and again disturbed the Byzantian empire. Not further, as in the summer of 1088, pechenegs have inflicted over Alexey Komninu terrible defeat at Derstre, have captured many notable Byzantines, and rescue in shameful flight have forced to search for the emperor. The rich extraction which has got pecheneg, has cleared greedy envy in their allies. Half-sheep who have come to the rescue to them. Having paid off with gold from predatory neighbors and citizens (pechenegs have been already accepted on the Byzantian earth), Alexey however couldn't be quiet and for the near future while pechenegs without fear passed the Balkans and attacked the Byzantian cities of Adrianoples and Filippopol, reaching even capital walls. This time the fear amplified also because half-sheep, without having received itself a part from the Byzantian extraction, threatened to set all polovv’s orde for Danube to revenge of pechenegs. However, half-sheep in this respect could render service of Byzantium but that was to expect then from such servants and allies.

In winter of 1089/90 pechenegs have settled down in Adrianople area that in the spring to begin the devastating attacks in the heart of empire. The emperor was engaged in training of an army for a forthcoming campaign and a set of new groups. The summer of 1090 has brought with itself new difficulties. The Turkish pirate Chaha who has been brought up in Constantinople and well familiar with state of affairs, has equipped own fleet and has made the plan of action against Empire from the sea while pechenegs  will distract its forces from a land. All the summer long the emperor has spent in a campaign against pechenegs. To judge the danger threatening to Constantinople, it is enough to tell that military operations concentrated about Churlja, that is on distance of one day transition from capital. With approach of autumn war stopped, but pechenegs didn't think to come back in their place, and have settled down there and then, almost in a kind of Constantinople. Winter of 1090/91 Has passed in constant fights which, however, had no resolute value neither for that, nor for other party. The capital has been locked, from it didn't let out inhabitants because behind city walls equestrians ransacked of pecheneg. In difficult circumstances what Byzantium from a preceding history could remember, it was rescued by possibility of sea relations. But now Chaha planned to cut off for Constantinople and the sea. Having considerable number of the ships, it has become the sovereign mister of Bosporus and sea of Marmara. It became known that its ambassadors exchange words with leaders of pecheneg hordes and fix with the general plan of actions. In general, position of empire in 1091 is represented extremely helpless. Hardly probable such inevitable and close destruction earlier threatened it. The emperor, speaks Anna Komnina[11], seeing, as from the sea, and from a land our position is rather disastrous... The messages sent every which way, hastened to collect a hired home guard. Some of these reading and writing have been appointed in polovezh place, others, to Russian princes; undoubtedly, there were messages and on the West, in particular to friends who have already proved time the arrangement to the emperor whom Robert, columns Flandrsky, the auxiliary group which has sent to Alexey was. Till our time one copy of the message sent by Alexey Komninom to count Robert Flandrsky has remained. Here in a general way its maintenance:" The most holy empire of Christians Greek it is attacked by pechenegs and Turks; they plunder it daily and take away its areas. Murders and desecrations of many Christians and so are terrible for hearing that are capable to revolt air... Almost all earth from Jerusalem to Greece, Without excluding and Thrace. There is one Constantinople, but they threaten shortly and to take away it from us if the quick help of true Christians Latin doesn't appear in time. Propontida it is already covered two hundred ships which Greeks have been forced to build for the oppressors. Thus, Constantinople will be endangered not only from a land, but also from the sea. I, invested by a dignity of the emperor, don't see any outcome, I do not find rescue; also is forced to run in the face of a Turk and pecheneg. So, a name of God we beg you, hasten to the aid of me and the Greek Christians. We are given to your hands; We prefer to be under the power of yours latin, than under a yoke of pagans. Let Constantinople will get better to you, than Turks and pecheneg. That relic which decorates Konstantin city as it is expensive to us also will be expensive To you yes... Sacred subjects shouldn't get in the power of pagans for it will be great loss for Christians and their condemnation. If, over expectation, you aren't animated by thought on these Christian treasures I will remind you of uncountable riches and jewelry which are saved up in our capital. Treasures of one churches in Constantinople can be sufficient for an ornament of all churches of the world. There is nothing to speak about that incalculable treasury which disappears in pantries of former emperors and notable grandees Greek. So, hasten with all your people, напрягите all efforts that such treasures haven't got in hands a Turk and  pechenegs. For, except that infinite number which is in empire limits, arrival of new 60-thousand crowd is expected daily. We can't rely and on those armies which remain with us as also they can be tempted by hope of the general plunder. So operate, while there is time that a Christian kingdom and that is even more important, Grob Gospoden for you haven't been lost, that you could receive not condemnation, but an eternal award on fly[12]. There is nothing surprising that for patriotic feeling of the Greek writers of that time was regrettable to remember the difficult circumstances connected with посылкою on the West of similar messages; the pride and consciousnesses of own advantage hasn't allowed them to result the maintenance of the reading and writing sent by Alexey Komninym in 1091 And in general, the reference of the Byzantian empire behind the help to the Latin West always marked extreme decline of moral forces in Constantinople and was expression of the most helpless condition. Position of emperor Alexey Komnina in winter of 1090/91 can be compared unless to last years empires when османские Turks have surrounded Constantinople from different directions and cut off it from external relations.

Not only in the field of the diplomatic propensity certainly is noticed to make itself in the West order: speech about church division of the East and the West, about measures to connection of two churches  has been got. An exchange of embassies on church questions has begun since 1089; that the father considered possible the friendly permission of these questions, clearing of emperor Alexey Komnina of a church excommunication which lay on it, as on skhizmatica testifies already. Besides time (1091) The origin of the composition of Bulgarian archbishop Feofilakta  about errors latin concerns. It is written in rather peaceful spirit and leads to the conclusion that errors latin were not so are numerous to consider inevitable division of churches. Having listed ordinary deviations of a roman catholic church: a post Saturday and a celibacy of clergy, he says that one of them aren't worthy, others need moderate correction. Only one question doesn't suppose any concession - About an increase in a symbol. Latin, it continues, can refer to scarcity of the language, and the right to use in the way of expressions in conversations and church lectures can be given them, but in a symbol no ambiguity, any addition should be admitted. If thus the western and east seminary students could agree among themselves in a question on a doctrine then the Greek church, speaks Feofilakt, followed be conformed to an example of Ap. Pavel who for real under the law itself was under law and participated in victims of clarification. Thus, and in a church question Byzantium was inclined at this time to concessions. If hasn't taken place then so a cathedral wished by both parties, it has occurred from absolutely extraneous circumstances, and by the way because that father Urbanu II was threatened with overthrow from the Roman throne (antipope Kliment III).

Meanwhile, Alexey Komnina's appeal in the West should make strong movement. Not without the reason, of course, the First crusade was made mainly of sovereign princes and knights of France. Robert Friz  to whom Alexey Komnina's letter, by the way, is directed, was the authoritative herald of the First campaign in the environment of the higher classes; besides and the message of emperor Alexey absolutely clearly and definitely brought an attention to the question on the campaign purpose that is so that could raise the most tempting hopes of feudal knights: take empire and Constantinople, riches you will find much; let all will be yours if only didn't get to pechenegs and to Turks. The coffin of Gospoden and Jerusalem profaned incorrect, was a sufficient banner for believing in simplicity of heart among which other preachers between whom Peter Pustynnik used especial popularity operated. Let's not forget also that Robert Friza's son and two its nephews participate in the first campaign, and also it is a lot of near relations. The first crusade, thus, would take place and besides the father and would have then absolutely other value and slightly other purposes. But in October, 1093 Robert Friz has died, than the course of the movement which have begun in knights was slowed down. In Latin annals of that time some instructions have remained that in 1092 there were speeches about a crusade, there was a movement of minds in this direction.

While in the West there were negotiations and the reasons which fast realization was prevented by Robert Friza's death, emperor Alexey Komnin were made not only has had time to endure the painful minutes of the despair which has inspired to it the cowardly message, but also to eliminate danger which threatened its empire. For spring of 1091 Chaha prepared disembarkation in Gallipoli, pecheneg’s horde here was pulled, but it was distracted from timely arrival to a gathering place by the Greek naval forces, and then he has been killed by Nikei sultan. 40 thousand under polov leadership of Tugorkana and Bonjaka  and group of the Russian prince of the Cornflower of Rostislavich  promoted that печенеги Half-Ovetsky leaders of Tugorkan and Bonjak have been destroyed on April, 29th, 1091 have rendered enormous service of Byzantium. The Pechenezhsky horde has been destroyed by them, its rests couldn't raise already fears, on the contrary, as easy prospecting groups they with advantage served in the Byzantian army. Not be on service of the emperor of these pecheneg Cavalry, not so it would be easy to it to disturb Cruside groups unexpected attacks, to force them to keep in a close system and not to disperse on vicinities for a robbery of the peace population. With a victory over pecheneg danger of connection Asian and European a Turk (pechenegs and Turks-seldzhuks have ceased to threaten Alexey. One origin); the princedoms shattered and conflicting among themselves of Asia Minor a Turk-seldzhukov were for Alexey at all so are dangerous, as норманнское invasion, as attack pecheneg, or as a witty and far-sighted plan of pirate Chahi. But by 1092 Alexey was already free for painful fear for destiny of empire, and in the West only still got acquainted with the maintenance of its message and gathered in a campaign which had a definite purpose. To rescue the Byzantian empire from pechenegs and selzhuks. Here, of course, it is necessary to search for the reason to an explanation of mutual misunderstanding and bitter charges which went crusaders against Byzantines and on the contrary. To extreme amazement of crusaders, pecheneg and Turks appeared on service of the emperor and all harmed to them fast attacks more sensitively; the Byzantian emperor not only didn't hand over them a city and wasn't humiliated, but still demanded to itself oath and agreed about the cities, which crusaders will win at a Turk.

[1] Emperor Lev Isavr? III Isavrijsky, Byzantian emperor (717-741) is left. Actively defended the country from Arabs, having sustained their siege of Constantinople in 717 from a land and the sea and having broken the Arabian armies thanking - To the Greek fire. The victory of the emperor at Akroine in 740 has put an end to gains Omejjadov in east part of empire.

[2] Charles Martell (688-741), the actual governor of the Franksky state in 715-741, the son майордома Pipina Geristalsky. In the well-known fight at Poitiers in October of 732, ordering incorporated armies of francs, has managed to break the Arabian armies under command of Abdar-Rahmana and to stop their advancement to Europe then Arabs have departed to the Pyrenees.

[3] Three Khalifats: Baghdad, Egyptian, or Fatimidov, and Kordovsky, or Omejjadov.? In IX century халифат Abbasidov who was called also as Baghdad, has broken into a number of smaller, almost independent feudal possession.

[4] Nikifor Foka and John Tsimishy: in board of vigorous Byzantian emperors of Nikifora of II Foki (963-969) and John of I Tsimishija (969-976) Byzantium has achieved impressive victories in Bulgaria and Syria, again having returned Crete and Cyprus (963) and having strengthened the influence in Europe and in the east.

[5] Arabs have grasped Crete in 823, and Sicily? In 875

[6] Vestgoty: to speak about them practically it is not necessary from 711 when the Vestgotsky kingdom absorbed by Arabs was lost.

[7] Turkmans who have received a name a Turk-seldzhukov...?

[8] Actually Konijsky (Ikonijsky) sultanat has arisen in 1077, having allocated from the Seldzhuksky state. Before its disintegration in the beginning of XIV century the branch of a dynasty Seldzhukidov here corrected

[9] Sultan Alp-Arslan... Has taken prisoner emperor Romana Diogena, The second sultan-seldzhukid Alp-Arslan (1063-1072), having won Armenia in 1071, has broken and has taken prisoner the Byzantian emperor of the Novel of IV Diogena (1067-1071) in fight at Mantsikerte (Маназкерте) then selzhuks have occupied almost all Asia Minor, and then Syria and Palestin. Defeat of Byzantines has been caused by Andronik Duki's change which after returning of the emperor from a captivity has forced it to abdicate, and then has destroyed.

[10] That plan of action which has been carried out subsequently by ottoman Turks. Capture of Constantinople by Turks-osmanli Turks in 1453 means

[11] Anna Komnina (1083-1148)? The daughter of the emperor of Byzantium Alexey I and Irinas, wife Nikifora Vriennija.

[12] Authenticity of this letter from which Latin copies have remained some, but not the Greek text, raises the big doubts. The overwhelming majority of historians considers as its propaganda forgery directed on that, having tempted knights with treasures of Constantinople, to induce them to go to a campaign on the East. At the same time a number of researchers supposes that Alexey really at the moment of an aggravation pecheneg threats sent any letters on the help to the western princes.

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