Реферат QuarterlyTechnical Report
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ISTC Project No. KR1429 | ||
“Epidemiological monitoring of avian virus circulation in the nature, an estimation of biological danger of the pestholes in | ||
QuarterlyTechnical Report | ||
on the work performed from 01.12.2010 to 28.02.2011- Quarter no. 7 - | ||
State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Department under the Ministry of Health of address: 535, | ||
Project Manager | Kasymbekova Kaliya ToktosunovnaDoctor of Medicine, PhD, M.D. | |
| Signature / Signature / |
1. Summary of Technical Progress
1.1. Current Technical Status
Task | Start | End | Status / Comments |
Task 1 Definition of migration birds concentration places: - purchasing of the equipment, expendable materials and others - organization of expeditions to collect field material -observation over terms and intensity of migrations -ringing of 900 birds | 01.12.2011 | 28.02.2011 | Record-keeping of waterfowls of Due to lack of funding expeditionary trips for the collection of biological samples have not been carried out. Only short-term expedition was organized to |
Task 2 The organization of molecular - genetic and virological researches of avian flu | Quarter 3 | Quarter 12 | Work is carried out ahead of the work plan. Due to the absence of poultry farms which can deliver sterile chicken embryos, we used cell cultures for virus isolation. Virological researches have been conducted with transplantable line of cell culture of dog’s kidney (MDCK). |
Task 3 Collection and analysis of literary data on H5N1 avian influenza | 01.09.2010 | 30.11.2010 | Scheduled issues of epizootic (epidemiological) monitoring are performed. |
Collection and development of materials on postmortem diagnostics of avian influenza | 01.09.2010 | 30.11.2010 | Postmortem examination of 26 dead birds of 3 species found in |
Clinical epidemiological diagnostics of H5N1 avian influenza among waterfowls and inhabited near lakes and ponds birds | 01.09.2010 | 30.11.2010 | In the field conditions clinical examination of birds is not conducted. |
Task 4 Molecular-genetic characteristic of avian flu virus, circulating in natural reservoirs. | Quarter 1 | Quarter 12 | Subtyping of viruses is conducted. We are planning to conduct strain sequencing with foreign collaborators. |
Task 5 Mapping of households farms for the presence of poultry | 01.09.2010 | 30.11.2010 | Four districts of Talas oblast have been surveyed by visits for the presence of poultry. |
1.2. Tasks of the work plan
Task 1: Definition of migration birds concentration places |
§ State / Situation at the beginning of the current quarter
§ Fulfilled work
§ Results by the end of the current quarter
Biological samples were taken from birds belonging to 2 species (Table 1).
Table 1
The list of birds from which samples on influenza virus were taken in Quarter 7 (December 2010- February 2011)
№ | Bird species (English, Latin, Russian) | Number |
1. | Common Coot (Fulica atra) - лысуха | 1 |
2. | Whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus) - лебедь-кликун | 19 |
| Total: | 20 |
§ Personnel Commitments
Name | Category | Days |
Ostachshenko Anatolii | I | 31 |
Toropova Valentina | I | 15 |
Kumushaliev Bektur | I | 25 |
Davletbakov Askar | II | 10 |
Milko Dmitrii | III | 6 |
Chernova Julia | III | 30 |
Vorobev Aleksandr | IV | 28 |
Total | | |
Task 2: The organization of molecular - genetic and virological researches of avian flu |
§ State / Situation at the beginning of the current quarter At the project beginning molecular genetic researches of birds have been conducted. Virological researches on cell culture of dog’s kidney was conducted, however, there was no virus isolation. There were samples with cytopathogenic effects.
§ Fulfilled work
Total number of conducted researches is 343. 33 species of birds were exposed to molecular-genetic researches, presence of influenza A were detected in 3 bird species.
§ Results by the end of the current quarter
Table 2
Results of monthly molecular-genetic researches of birds
# | Month | Number of researched birds | Out of them positive | A influenza positive | Н1 | Н3 | Н5 |
1 | IХ-2010 | 194 | 0 | | | | |
2 | X-2010 | 93 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
3 | XI-2010 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| Total | 307 | 2 (0,6%) | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Positive samples in PCR reaction in a Real time mode with the threshold line before 30 cycles, thus indicating the presence of sufficient RNA RNase P gene indicating the specimen is of acceptable quality. At the same time primary infection and 2 passages on a cell culture have been conducted out of them in 3 cases (from materials from Night Heron and 2 Mallards ) cytopathogenic virus effect is detected. These isolates are typed in hemagglutination reaction and hemagglutination inhibition of reaction. Preliminary results of virological researches see below.
Table 3
Results of virological researches
# of lab | Quarter | Name of a bird | Date of sampling | Place of sampling | PCR result | Results of subtyping |
2а | I | Black-crowned night heron | 22.07.2009 | Surroundings of Tokmok town | positive | гр А (Н1)? |
| | | | | | |
1740 | VI | Mallard | 28.10.2010 | | positive | гр В/Florida? |
1754 | VI | Mallard | 29.10.2010 | | positive | гр А (Н3)? |
Total number of conducted researches is 307. 46 species of birds were exposed to molecular-genetic researches ( table 4). Research were conducted by real time PCR on influenza A, subtypes Н1, Н3 and Н5. During researches of 46 bird species in 2 samples (0,6%) from 1 bird species presence of influenza A virus is detected, however results of sybtyping on Н1, Н3. we find on sample Н5 were negative Positive samples on influenza A were frozen at -70 Celsius degree for further researches. It is necessary to conduct researches on subtypes H2, H4, H6, H15 and N1-N9 with foreign collaborators. For this purpose business trips to laboratories of foreign collaborators to exchange experiences is necessary.
Results of molecular-genetic investigations of birds in Quarter 6 (September-December, 2010)
Table 4
Number of samples | Bird species | Isolated RNA out of them | Positive out of them | |
А influenza | Bird species | |||
307 | 46 | 307 | 2 (0,6%) | 1(2,1%) |
Out of 307 researches birds, 293 have been researched in
Table 5
| Research area | Total researched birds | Out of them including | |
positive | Bird species | |||
1 | | 293 | 2 | Mallard |
2 | Chui oblast | 14 | | |
| Total | 307 | 2 | |
During analysis of influenza A virus detection among waterfowls it was determined that more often in the reporting period the positive A influenza sample have been detected among Mallards (2 positive).
Detection of influenza virus among various species of waterfowls in Quarter 6 (September-December, 2010)
Table 6
# | Bird species | Number of birds | Number of analyses | Negative | A influenza positive | Н1 | Н3 | Н5 |
1 | Авдотка/Eurasian thick knee | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | | |
2 | Сommon Snipe/Бекас | 2 | 2 | 2 | | | | |
3 | Egret/ Белая цапля (подранок) | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | | |
4 | White-eyed pochard/Белоглазый нырок | 9 | 9 | 9 | | | | |
5 | Temminck's stint/Белохвостый песочник | 7 | 7 | 7 | | | | |
6 | Bittern/Большая выпь | 2 | 2 | 2 | | | | |
7 | Greenshank/Большой улит | 3 | 3 | 3 | | | | |
8 | Plover/Бурокрылая ржанка | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | | |
9 | Rail /Водяной пастушок | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | | |
10 | Ring dotterel /Галстучник | 2 | 2 | 2 | | | | |
11 | Eurasian Woodcock /Гаршнеп | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | | |
12 | Broad-billed Sandpiper / Грязовик | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | | |
13 | Yellow Wagtail/Желтая трясогузка | 2 | 2 | 2 | | | | |
14 | Ruddy Turnstone / Камнешарка | 3 | 3 | 3 | | | | |
15 | Common Moorhen/ Камышница | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | | |
16 | Chukar /Кеклик | 4 | 4 | 4 | | | | |
17 | Curlew Sandpiper / Краснозобик | 4 | 4 | 4 | | | | |
18 | Common Tern /Крачка речная | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | | |
19 | Black Tern /Крачка черная | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | | |
20 | Mallard/Кряква | 25 | 25 | 19 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
21 | Curlew Sandpiper /Кулик-воробей | 38 | 38 | 38 | | | | |
22 | Bald Coot/Лысуха | 9 | 9 | 9 | | | | |
23 | Little Grebe/ Малая поганка | 5 | 5 | 5 | | | | |
24 | Pygmy Cormorant /Малый баклан | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | | |
25 | Little Ringed Plover /Малый зуек | 5 | 5 | 5 | | | | |
26 | Terek Sandpiper /Мородунка | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | | |
27 | Kentish Plover /Морской зуек | 2 | 2 | 2 | | | | |
28 | Common Straling /Обыкновенный скворец | 4 | 4 | 4 | | | | |
29 | Ruddy Shelduck /Огарь | 5 | 5 | 5 | | | | |
30 | Black headed Gull/ Озерная чайка | 18 | 18 | 18 | | | | |
31 | Common Sandpiper / Перевозчик | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | | |
32 | Common Tern / Речная крачка | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | | |
33 | Gadwall /Серая утка | 2 | 2 | 2 | | | | |
34 | Common Redshank /Травник | 2 | 2 | 2 | | | | |
35 | Grey Plover / Тулес | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | | |
36 | Ruff / Турухтан | 95 | 95 | 95 | | | | |
37 | Common Pheasant / Фазан | 5 | 5 | 5 | | | | |
38 | Wood Sandpiper / Фифи | 15 | 15 | 15 | | | | |
39 | Black-winged Stilt / Ходулочник | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | | |
40 | Tufted Duck / Хохлатая чернеть | 4 | 4 | 4 | | | | |
41 | Black Tern / Черная крачка | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | | |
42 | Dunlin / Чернозобик | 6 | 6 | 6 | | | | |
43 | Green Sandpiper / Черныш | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | | |
44 | Northern Lapwing /Чибис | 2 | 2 | 2 | | | | |
45 | Common Teal / Чирок-свистунок | 9 | 9 | 9 | | | | |
46 | Northern Pintail / Шилохвость самец | 1 | 1 | 1 | | | | |
| Total | 307 | 307 | 301 | 2 | | | |
§ Personnel Commitments
Name | Category | Days |
Kasymbekova Kaliya Toktosunovna | I | 30 |
Isakov Tolo | I | 5 |
Dzholbunova Zuura | I | 20 |
Kozukeev Turat | I | 15 |
Moldokmatova Mahabat | II | 15 |
Saparova Gulbarchyn | II | 15 |
Seropolko Aleftina Anatolievna | I | 10 |
Karaeva Baktygul Jumanalievna | II | 40 |
Omurkulova Almash Galiyarovna | III | 50 |
Сhaurullina Maya | II | 15 |
Ashiralieva Damira | I | 50 |
Akmatаlieva Dinara | II | ? |
Total | | 265 |
Пусть бухгалтер посчитает правильно, пропустила дни у Динары.
Task 3: Monitoring of avian flu virus circulation among wild waterfowls |
§ State / Situation at the beginning of the current quarter
§ Fulfilled work
§ Results by the end of the current quarter
§ Personnel Commitments
Name | Category | Days |
Choljiev Abdybek | II | 0 |
Raimbekov Dokturbek | I | 50 |
Usubaliev Azilbek | II | 0 |
Orozov Ulankadyr | II | 35 |
Total | | 85 |
Task 4: Molecular-genetic characteristics of avian flu virus, circulating in natural reservoirs |
§ State / Situation at the beginning of the current quarter
Subtyping of viruses is conducted. It is planned to discuss the results of researches and the possibility to conduct strain sequencing with foreign collaborators. § Fulfilled work
Допишите выполненную работу
§ Results by the end of the current quarter
Допишите результат к концу текущего квартала
§ Personnel Commitments
Name | Category | Days |
Заполните эту табл, если не надо уберите | I | |
| I | |
Total | | |
Task 5: Development of recommendations to reduce the risk of flu virus transmission on the |
§ State / Situation at the beginning of the current quarter
The epidemiological monitoring was not carried out in the Republic§ Fulfilled work§ Results by the end of the current quarter
Epizootological (epidemiological) monitoring of Batken oblast
Batken oblast was formed in 1999 and is located on the south-western part of the country. Its area is 16,9 thousand km². There are 3 administrative districts, 4 administrative towns, 4 urban villages and 29 villages in the oblast. The oblast is bordering on the south-west and north-west with
25 6418 heads of chickens, including 184,940 hens are being raised and they are concentrated in the farms and individual entrepreneurs - 85,952 heads and in private households of citizens 98,988 heads.
There are no large poultry farms and poultry factories in the oblast.
1.Batken district
Batken administrative district is situated in the heart of the Batken oblast. The district consists of 9 rural districts, 44 settlements. The district’s administrative center is Batken town.
The district's area is 6.1 km². The territory of the district is situated in Batken valley stretching from north to south and by small valleys in the canyons Soh Isfara on the northern slopes of Alay-Turkestan ranges. The climate is continental. Major river arteries of the region are the rivers Soh and Isfara, which are the main sources of irrigation of areas requiring irrigation. Wild waterfowl lapwings, wild ducks, storks, etc can be found on floodplains and wetlands.
There are 50,289 heads of different types of poultry, including 38 092 heads of laying hens in Batken district. Out of total number of poultry in the district, 28,848 heads of laying hens are being raised in farms and in individual entrepreneurs and 9244 heads in private households.
Tortkul reservoir built in 1972 in Batken district, which originates from the river Isfara and regulates the regime of long-term use of water for irrigation of areas requiring irrigation.
The length of the reservoir is 5 km, width 2.1 km, the deepest place is 26.8 m, the mirror surface 6.57 km², water volume is 90 million m³.
Waterfowls arrive in Tortkul reservoir in the spring.
The most closely located settlements to Tortkul reservoir in Batken district are settlements: Min-Oruk, Kyzyl-Jol and Bujum of Batken district.
Village Min-Oruk of Samarkandek rural district of Batken district is located 3,5-4 km from Tortkul reservoir. The village has 1500 heads of chickens, 350 turkeys and 170 heads of ducks and geese.
Kyzyl-Jol settlement of Batken town is located 10 km away from Tortkul reservoirs and they have more than 5600 heads of chickens and more than 800 heads of ducks, geese and turkeys.
Buzhum village of Kara-Bulak rural district of Batken oblast is located at a distance of 10-11 km from Tortkul reservoir.
In village Buzhum there are more than 4500 heads of chickens, 500 turkeys and more than 290 heads of ducks and geese.
In case of importation of the virus of highly pathogenic avian influenza by waterfowls the first affected settlements will be Min-Oruk, Kyzyl-Jol and Buzhum of Batken district of Batken oblast.
2. Kadamjai district
Kadamjai administrative district is located in the northeast of Batken oblast and concentrated on the southern part of
District was established in 1938. The district's area is 6.1 km². There are 11 rural districts, 4 towns and 88 villages in the district. The administrative center of the district is Kadamjai urban village.
The area is rich with natural deposits of antimony, mercury, coal, etc. The climate is continental. Summer is dry, warm and moderate cold winters.
The main waterways in the district; rivers Isfaram-Sai Shaimerden, Ak-Suu, and others. Water resources of the district are mainly used for irrigation of agricultural lands. In the floodplains, there are small aquatic birds, wild ducks, storks, lapwings, etc.
On the upper rivers of Shaimerden in Kok-Suu canyon there is Kurban-Kul lake with 0.13 km² area and located at a distance of 30-40 km from the settlements.
River Kadamjay district takes its start from glaciers, springs, and precipitation. High water of rivers starts from May to August.
There are 103,694 heads of different species of poultry including 73 869 heads of hens and they are concentrated in (peasant) farms and individual enterprises 12 434 heads and 61,435 heads in private households of population of Kadamdjay district.
The role of migratory waterfowls in Kadamjai district in spread of bird flu pathogen is negligible.
3.Leylek District
Leylek district is located in southwest of Batken oblast and bordering from east with Batken distrcit, the rest rural areas with the
Leylek district consists of 9 rural centers, 1 town of district subordination - Isfana town and 46 rural settlements. The climate is continental, summer dry, hot, and winters are moderately cold.
The main rivers: river Ak-Suu (inflows Dacat-Suu, Sardala, Sumbula), Kara-Suu, Leilek (tributaries: Oromo, Jeti-Kopuro, Kojo-Bakyrgan). Water resources of the district are widely used for irrigation of crops.
There are no lakes and pools of water daily regulation regimes on the
In springs there are arrivals of migratory waterfowl (wild ducks, herons) generally for a short time.
Various species of poultry, total 58,908 heads, including hens 41,038 heads and 36,124 heads in (peasant) farms and individual entrepreneurs, as well as 4914 heads in private households of the population are being raised in Leilek district. There are no large poultry farms and factories.
Isfana is town of district subordination, and the administrative center of Leilek district. The town has 8,159 heads of poultry, including 550 heads of ducks and geese. Out of 6,012 heads of laying hens 3,890 are being raised in farms and individual entrepreneurs and 2,122 heads in private households of the population.
Batken town
Batken town is the administrative center Batkens district and Batken oblast. 11,995 poultry including 10,814 heads of laying hens are being raised in the town. 6616 laying hens are being raised in (peasant) farms and individual entrepreneurs and 4198 in private households of the population.
Kyzyl-Kiya town
Kyzyl-Kiya was formed in 1901 as an urban village. Kyzyl-Kiya as an industrial town focused on coal production.
25,930 heads of poultry including 17,425 heads of egg-laying hens are and they are being raised in this town, 1930 heads in farms and individual entrepreneurs, and 15,495 heads in private households.
Sulukta town
Sulukta was formed in mid-1800, as a result of the development of brown coal. Industrial town. There are 5,603 of poultry in Sulukta, including 3,702 heads laying hens and they are being raised in private households of the population.
Due to the absence of large lakes, reservoirs and short-term arrivals of migratory waterfowl there is no a big risk of importation of avian influenza pathogen on the territory on the
§ Personnel Commitments
Name | Category | Days |
Raimbekov Docturbek | I | 20 |
Altymysheva Nurilya | I | 50 |
Orozov Ulankadyr | I | 35 |
Nurmatov Zuridin | I | 30 |
Total | 5 | 135 |
| | |
Task 0: Project Management |
§ Fulfilled work
· Preparation of application on procurement of reagents and equipment on Flow 2.
· Procurement of necessary consumables for conduction of researches.
· Work coordination of institutes-participant.
· Financial reports
- Translation
§ Personnel Commitments
Name | Category | Days |
Abaskanova Aijana | III | 25 |
Moldokmatov Shailobek | III | 25 |
Israilova Elmira | III | 15 |
Kasymbekova Kaliya | I | 20 |
Raimbekov Dokturbek | I | 10 |
Ostashenko Anatolii | I | 10 |
Total | | 105 |
2. Summary of Personnel Commitments
| Number of persons | Total days | Total grants, USD |
Category I | 12 | 348 | Заполнить здесь бухгалтеру проверить цифры еще раз? |
Category II | 6 | 175 | |
Category III | 7 | 200 | |
Category IV | 2 | 43 | |
Total | 27 | 766 | |
Personnel Changes: None
| old | new | | ||||
Name | Cat. | Daily rate | Days | Cat. | Daily rate | Days | Explanation |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
3. Preparation of reports and publications
1. | Report for Quarter 7 is prepared. |
2. | For students of the faculty of veterinary medicine and veterinary specialists guidance "Diagnosis, prevention and control measures to fight HPAI H5N1», included in the second edition of the textbook "Guide to practical exercises on epizootiology (Zooanthroponoses), Bishkek," Kut Ber ", 2010 .- C-314-323 (see Annex 1) was developed. |
3. | Article was prepared for the collected papers of Issyk-Kul Nature Reserve. Colony of Waterfowls on AN Ostaschenko, AG Vorobiev, AT Davletbakov |
4. | Вирусологи допишите о своей научной статье |
4. Significant Travel and Meetings
4.1. Travel and meetings inside CIS
1. | <travel itinerary> |
| <duration> |
| <name(s) of traveler(s)> |
| <objective> |
| <brief information on results> |
1. | |
| From 23 Sep to |
| Kumushaliev, Vorobev, Trotchenko, Chernova, Toropova, Moldokmatov, Nurmatov, Karaeva, Omerkulova |
| Collection of samples, ringing of birds to study migration, definition of seasonal concentration places |
2 | |
| From 28 Sep to |
| Ostachshenko, Davletbakov, Zaharov, Milko, Moldokmatov, Nurmatov, Karaeva, Omerkulova |
| Collection of samples, ringing of birds to study migration, definition of seasonal concentration places |
3. | |
| Oct 12 -18, 2010 |
| Ostachshenko, Kumushaliev, Vorobev, Moldokmatov, Nurmatov, Karaeva, Omerkulova |
| Collection of samples, ringing of birds to study migration, definition of seasonal concentration places |
4. | |
| |
| Ostachshenko, Kumushaliev, Vorobev, Moldokmatov, Nurmatov, Karaeva, Omerkulova |
| Collection of samples, ringing of birds to study migration, definition of seasonal concentration places |
5. | |
| Nov 12 -29, 2010 |
| Ostachshenko, Kumushaliev, Vorobev, Zaharov, Chernova, Moldokmatov, Nurmatov, Karaeva, Omerkulova |
| Collection of samples, ringing of birds to study migration, definition of seasonal concentration places |
5. | Talas oblast, |
| Sep 10 -24, 2010 |
| Raimbekov, Orozov |
| Collection of samples and assessment of clinical data |
6. | Talas oblast, |
| |
| Raimbekov |
| Collection of samples and assessment of clinical data |
Travel expenses of personnel. 5$ USD per day in Quarter 6 (September-November 2010)
Name | 23/09-2/11 ( | 28/09-7/10 ( | 12/10-18/10 ( | 22/10-29/10 ( | 12/11-29/11 (Chui, | Total number of days | Payment $ USD . Если не нужно, уберите |
| | 10 | 7 | 8 | 10 | 35 | |
Toropova Valentina. | 10 | | | | | 10 | |
Ostachshenko Anatolii | | 10 | 7 | 8 | 10 | 35 | |
Kumushaliev Bektur. | 10 | | 7 | 8 | 10 | 35 | |
Davletbakov Askar | | 10 | | | | 10 | |
Milko Dmitrii | | 10 | | | | 10 | |
Trotchenko Nadejda | 10 | | | | | 10 | |
Vorobev Aleksandr | 10 | | | 8 | 10 | 28 | |
Chernova Julia | 10 | | | | 10 | 20 | |
Zaharov Andrey | | 10 | | | 5 | 15 | |
Total | 50 | 40 | 14 | 24 | 45 | 173 | |
SSED | 23.09-26.09 | 28.09-01.10 | 12.10-18.10 | 22.10-29.10 | 12.11-19.11 | | |
Moldokmatov Shailobek | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 20 | |
Nurmatov Zuridin | 4 | 4 | 7 | 8 | 8 | 31 | |
Karaeva Baktygul Jumanalievna | 4 | 4 | 7 | 8 | 8 | 31 | |
Omurkulova Almash Galiyarovna | 4 | 4 | 7 | 8 | 8 | 31 | |
Total: | 16 | 16 | 25 | 28 | 28 | 113 | |
KAU | | | | | | | |
Raimbekov | 15 days (10.09-24.09), Talas oblast | | | | 5 days (05.11-09.11), Talas oblast | 20 | |
Orozov | 16 days (10.09-24.09), Talas oblast | | | | | 16 | |
| 31 | | | | 5 | 36 | |
Total | 97 | 56 | 39 | 52 | 78 | 322 | |
4.2. Travel and meetings outside CIS - None
1. | <travel itinerary> | |
| <duration> | |
| <name(s) of traveler(s)> | |
| <objective> | |
| <brief information on results> | |
5. Co-operation with foreign collaborators
§ exchange of scientific material (information, computer codes and data, samples)
§ signature of protocols (with short description)
§ research carried out jointly
§ trips to/from foreign collaborators
§ workshops, topical meetings organized by the project team
§ joint attendance to international conferences
Если вы отправляли что-то зарубеж колобораторам, напишите здесь
6. Procurement - None
Work plan No. | Name | Status |
| | |
| | |
| | |
Если были закупки по проекту, заполнить эту таблицу.
7. Problems, Suggestions
At the next stages for the collection of materials there will be a trip to southern oblasts of the republic, which are located at a distance of 500 to
Necessary funding for the acquisition: a sleeping bag -1 pc. (U.S. $ 200); tents 1pc (120