Реферат на тему Tesco Report Essay Research Paper Tesco History
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Tesco Report Essay, Research Paper
Tesco History. 1 Recent history. 2 Field of Operation & Business
Strategy. 3 Marketing and Promation. 3 Loyalty Cards as a form of
Promation. 4 Customer Base. 4 New Technologies Affecting Tesco?s
Operation. 5 Investment6 Food scares. 6 Tesco?s ethical principles. 7Tesco ? A report?Tesco
HistoryJack Cohen who oringaly owened and started the Tesco
empirour, it was started 80 years ago on a market stall. He was the son of a
Jewish sailor and often the war he started by buying 30 pounds worth of army
surplus rations. He would reliable the cans and tins. The on his first day of
selling this stock at the market he made a profit of one pound. After selling
all of this he had made him self some money to work with. He used this money to
buy goods under handily these were often goods, which other stores would not
sell. ??????????? Tesco as a name was formed when jack
ha bought a large shipment of tea, in 1924. He then made the new labels for
them using the first three letters from the name of the tea suppliers name
?T.E.Stockwell? and then joined these will his own surname this then formed the
name ?TESCO?. He liked this name so much it became the companies own. ??????????? By 1939, his empire had groan and he
had opened up one hundred stores. Jack then went to America for a holiday.
Where he found the stores out there were all self-service, he thought this idea
was great and could save him a lot of money in shop staff wages. He brought
this idea back with him to England and set it up and found this method to be
most successful and then introduced every shop to this. Jack then invited
Critman his son in law to join his business. These pair often clashed over
views as Critman was a businessman and Cohen was a market stall trader. Tesco
then started their long running campaign to expand by buying up cheap chains of
shop. He then owned 400 stores worldwide and had spent one million on this. ??????????? He then also invited Lesley Port
another son in law. Lesley soon stepped in to the roll and had many ideas of
his own. He put forward an idea to create a non-food floor that would only sell
items such as clothes and kitchen items. This was so successful that it
promoted an idea to build a special designed ?super market?. The Tesco stores
then started to reduce prices, this started other companies to take Tesco to
court as they were in breach of the ?retail price maintenance law?(this was
were the suppliers set the prices and not the retailers this is to stop under
cutting on price like Tesco are doing.) He was not charged and the law was
abolish by just one vote. ??????????? In 1959 Ian Malcolm joined the
management as a trainee, he was the first person to join management who was not
family. Then in 1960 a great promotion was introduced this promoted the sales
to grow rapidly these were the ?Green shield stamps? which you were given if
you spent a certain amount of money these could then be traded in for products
such as sowing machines. ??????????? ?In 19970 Tesco was in trouble and had to call in a management
consultant this was because of a hard taking over of ?Victor Vaule.? Because of
this incident Critman decided he had no choice but to resign and steped down.
After a succesful time? the green sheid
stamps wich cost the company 20 000 000 pounds they removed these from
curcalation and plouged the money back in to the shops and repriced all the
goods, this then caused a great deal of intrest. All of this finally incresed
the turn over by 20% and bought Tesco?s out of Trouble ??????????? Jack then found another way to cot
prices on his products by building specily designed wearhouses which supplies
would not divlive to but tescos would send out specil lorrys to collect the
goods by doing this it would cut out the deviley costs. The mangment then
looked at their shops and stores and so dicided they were old fahoned and shapy
looking and were losssing ou because of this. They then started to redisgn the
stores to their present specifaction. This all lead to what we know as Tesco?s
today? Recent history??????????? Tesco is one of Britain?s leading
food retailers and has 586 stores though out Great Britain. From 1992 Tesco has
grown greatly and has increased its market share from 10.4% to 15.2%. This
increse in customers has also given Tesco a large amount of profit. ??????????? Tesco has 164,500
shareholders. Tesco?s profit is about 505 million pounds after the tax has been
deducted; about 50%of this is then distributed to the shareholders as
dividends. The rest ruffly 250 million pounds is held back for investment in
stores and improving sevices for the customers. The average shareholder holds
between one and one thousand shares, but also a large amount of shares are held
by banks, pension funds and building sercertys. Tesco?s share prices have risen
since February 1997 when it was 349p to 586p on the 21st April 1998.
The shares have peaked a high price of 603p. With this growth Tesco?s is now
the largest super market chain. Field of Operation & Business Strategy??????????? Tesco has a wide of operation and
wants every one to buy their products . This is though as it is normally people
who have moved out of their parents home and have accomadtion of their own.
Tesco?s aim is to get full time loyaty from their costemers and to carry on
increaseing the value of their goods for the costemers. They want to under
stand and respect their customers better than other supermarket chains. Their
staff is very important to them so they aim to please their staf for tescos
valuesand also to relises their large controbutions in to tescos empirea. To
increase life for custimers tescos are all ways ready to take sensable risks to
improve this. They also want to make life better and custumers shopping
experance more enjoyable in no way other competative companyscan, they will do
this through using there bring people who work for them and also using
technolagy, intelligence and sales this all should help increase better? value. Tesco have also introged a range of
finciail services this was started in 1997. This includes newly started
pensions, investment sceams, insurance and credit cards.See back for
information investment Tesco?s.Marketing and Promation??????????? Tesco?s
obectives of product promation is to give a large and relivent range of product
promation in all of their stores. This then should be both relivent to both the
customer and the product. They aim to differentiate their market and they try
to make the promation stratergy aplie to the market they are aiming at.Fot
example they would aim chicken shaped as rabbits at the parents with young
children and not the elderly and retired population. They aim to opperate a
long side their normall goods a W.I.G.I.G stratergy. Which is a set of
one-off? promations, it stands for ?When
Its Gone Its Gone.? Which are when Tesco sell leading and expensive brands such
as Calvin Klien, but they sell these goods at very competive prices. They only
have a limeted number thow so it is once they are gone they are gone,most of
these goods are imported from sbroud often from America or other parts of
Europe where they can be percised at a cheaper price. Many company object to
this but the trys to stop them have always failed. ??????????? Tesco?s marketing
is manly used to promate them selfs as a store who represnts their customers
and gives good value for money hilst still providing high qualty goods. This
promation is seperated in too two very deffernt and distintive groups which are
as follows: 1.The name which is advertised
throw national advertising. 2.The promation of the products in side the store
its self, for example specil deals or say Telivitions. This a type of companing
is shown on telivion the national and local Newspapers. This is as ?it has been proven that two third of adults
will react because of seeing an advert.Durind the year 1997 Tesco?s adveryts
appeared 2000times in the news papers. Loyalty Cards as a form of Promation??????????? Loyalty or club cards are also a
form of promation and were first tested in the October of 1993 but when on
national release in the same month of 1995.This has brought the shopper closer
to Tescos. The ponits are earned from shopping trips and slowly are a cumulated
so after a while the customer will have many these are then processed and
turned in to money off vochers which can be spent throw any of Tesco?s stores.
This is so run as a promation to encough people who would normally shop at
other rivle stores to use Tesco as they will recive money off for the more
money which is spent there. This again is promoting their name a company who
rewards the shopper who are loyal to them. This throw does not always work as
many shoppers will have layatly cards at many shops so they recive bonues from
not just shopping at one store, this in all is anther way Tesco aims to get
more people shopping at their stores. See
back for leaflt on club card. ??????????? ?
Customer Base ??????????? ??????????? Many people buy products at Tsco?s
and they aim to attract as many more as is physicaly posible. The customer base
is say about ten miles around the store theis is their main market and is were
most of their customers come from. The people who are attracted to Tesco?s to
shop are the middle to upper class family members like the mother who has
access to or owns a car. This is as the familly needs a lot of shopping for a
week Tesco?s is one place the mother can get it done esily and the car is as
the shopping has to be taken home some why. They also always povide outstanding
sevice such as customer assistance, carry to car service and baby changing
facitys. They look to find an attractive shopping envorent so people will not
find shopping a chore but as a please and in many cases they succeded in this.
They are always trying to expand their customer base so there for will also be
trying to meet all of the customers old and news needs.The main amount of Tesco
shops are in out of town develments such as Church Langly as this is wear they
have found the money to be as there was a hole in the market for them; but now
they are expanding back in to the towns with small shops ?Tesco Express? which
aim to provide convence. They are also providing comption to the petrol
stations as? we have seen the spring up
of ?Tesco metro?s? which not only provide petrol but are also a small Tesco?s
just selling the esention iteams.New Technologies Affecting Tesco?s Operation??????????? New technolage has changed the
world, Tesco espilly has benifited from this especially. It has revolitioned
Tesco?s opperationin all aspects of the word. Computers and computer based
products control most if not all of tesco?s it would not run as smothly with
out it. Computers control ordering from the supplers throw to distribation and
store design. With out this technolage expanding their stores would have been servly
hammpered. ??????????? Computer aided design is used to
plan both the stores and how they fit in to their envorment and also inside the
store, so no space is wasted and products are so placed in the right position.
This then should make the customers shopping experance easyer and less
stressful as all of one type of product are in the same area. This is one of
the technolage advanses which helps the customer but is not seen. Though there
are advanses wich we all see and they help us to hurry up the shopping. Things
like moneters, tills, barcodes and scaners these also help fed back to the head
office computer were new stock can be orderd, take over cheked? and the store sprofomance in genral can be
regulated. All of these have be made possible by the introduction of the modem
alowing esey
communication. Tesco?s have now used this improvement in communtion
by computers to allow people to shop from home at any time on their computers
Using ?Tesco online.? They simply
connect to thye internet and then send over the order and also the time at
which it is to be divlered. This type of shopping is also becoming avaible
throw telivison the first example of this is sky ditaale. Tesco has also
created a free internet package, were the connection to the internet is free and
you just pay for the local phone call. The connection is also used to advertise
them selfs. See internet access pack at back ??????????? It
is also essentail to the club card system as whith out the systemof computers
it would not even be feasible to run it manually. As the detail that has spent
that day and the the information on this is recored on the computer baesed
check out system then the details are transferred over night to the main frame
compers at the head office where it is proccesed and worked out hen the nesseray
informartion is added to the customers accunt. It?s a changing world and with
out computers all of this would not be even drempt of.Investment??????????? Tesco?s group capital expenditure is
841 million pounds, this was mostly ploughed back into Great Britain.the mane
spending in europe was as follows: ??????????? £737m??? Great Britain ??????????? £63m????? Ireland ??????????? £41m????? Central Europe As
is shown above when the capiral expenditure rose in 1997 from 758 million
pounds. The exra 83 million pounds spendding being concentrated in Ireland and
central Europe.This sending has added 23 new stores to the uk. ??????????? Tesco?s has also started an over
seas investment program since 1994 so their name becomes a worldley know
brand.this investment looks like this: ??????????? 1994 France 1995 Hungary and Poland 1996 Czech Republic and Slovakia 1998 Northern Ireland and Thailand But
since the first investment in France in 1994 teco has decided to sell all but
one of their stores in favour of expanding elsewear due to expenditure not
being recoved as quickly as they would have aimed.??? Food scares??????????? Have all retailer been hit by the
affect of food scares? The answer to this is yes. Some times this can be more devosting than others , this is
often caused or esulated from wrong or misleading information most commanly
printed by the press. To combat this Tesco?s have a ?twin track approch.? This
consists of 1. Following trict guild lines to ensure heath and hygene standards
of their supplies. The supplyers of the goods also some times being subject to
Tesco technologests reular and rigorous inspeactions. 2.
To give the customer well informed information on the subject and what the
Tesco store tend to do to combat the situation. ??????????? An example of this the B.S.E beef
crises which with in weeks the sales of British meat in stores had fallan by
54%. Tesco then introducted strict rules on the quilty of the product from the
suppler. The abattoirs then under took viguares testing from Tesco?s. And to
inform the customer the products are marked with the country of oragin also
there was large amounts of information avalble about not mixing raw with cooked
meates and fodd hygine in the home in genrall.After this extensive program the
British meat market is beginning to pick up again so all of the investment from
Tesco?s was worth it for them. Yes food scares to frighten? customers away from a product and the
companys do suffer but if the siuation is handaled properly it can be sorted
out pretty quickly. See leflet on Heathly eating at back by TescoTesco?s ethical principles??????????? Tesco?s is Britains leading food
retailer and has gained this position in the market throw giving good value and
services to the customer. Even thow they are this succeful they still are
commited to their princables and values. This is shown by the fact that since
1997 the companyhas been at the top of the ?christian Aid league table for
ethical commendments.? For Tesco?s to keep this top spot as the leading
succesful retailer, it has to take in to consideration the concenes of each
sector of the community; such as its customer5s , staff , shareholders,
supplies and the local people who live close by. All of these have ideas they
want to see happen and so Tesco has to meet as many of these which are
practical ??????????? ?Conclution??????????? ?Tesco has come a long way since the first time the name appered on
Jack Cohan?s market stall. Tesco have become a large gaint company leading the
market and with the investment being made in to other countrys it will be
intresting to see if they can stay there. There will be compation in the futuer
for Tesco as the recent take over of Asda by Wallmart (a large Europen
supermarket chain) will soon also want the top spot. The technolage has grown
with the company and they too have always stayed up to date so I am sure there
will be intresring ways to shop on the future but am sure even if the super
markets are not here the name Tesco will still supply the customer with the
high standard of goods it expects.