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Aidsproblem Essay, Research Paper
AIDS: A U.S.- Made Monster?
In an extensive article in the Summer-Autumn 1990 issue of “Top Secret”, Prof J. Segal and Dr.
L. Segal outline their theory that AIDS is a man-made disease, originating at Pentagon
bacteriological warfare labs at Fort Detrick, Maryland. “Top Secret” is the international edition
of the German magazine Geheim and is considered by many to be a sister publication to the
American Covert Action Information Bulletin (CAIB). In fact, Top Secret carries the Naming
Names column, which CAIB is prevented from doing by the American government, and which
names CIA agents in different locations in the world. The article, named “AIDS: US-Made
Monster” and subtitled “AIDS – its Nature and its Origins,” is lengthy, has a lot of
professional terminology and is dotted with footnotes.
“The fatal weakening of the immune system which has given AIDS its name (Acquired
Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome),” write the Segals, “has been traced back to a destruction or a
functional failure of the T4-lymphocytes, also called helper cells , which play a regulatory role
in the production of antibodies in the immune system.” In the course of the illness, the
number of functional T4-cells is reduced greatly so that new anti-bodies cannot be produced
and the defenceless patient remains exposed to a range of infections that under other
circumstances would have been harmless. Most AIDS patients die from opportunistic
infections rather than from the AIDS virus itself. The initial infection is characterized by
diarrhea, erysipelas and intermittent fever. An apparent recovery follows after 2-3 weeks, and
in many cases the patient remains without symptoms and functions normally for years.
Occasionally a swelling of the lymph glands, which does not affect the patient s well-being,
can be observed.
After several years, the pre-AIDS stage, known as ARC (Aids- Related Complex) sets in. This
stage includes disorders in the digestive tract, kidneys and lungs. In most cases it develops
into full-blown AIDS in about a year, at which point opportunistic illnesses occur. Parallel to
this syndrome, disorders in various organ systems occur, the most severe in the brain, the
symptoms of which range from motoric disorders to severe dementia and death. This set of
symptoms, say the Segals, is identical in every detail with the Visna sickness which occurs in
sheep, mainly in Iceland. (Visna means tiredness in Icelandic). However, the visna virus is not
pathogenic for human beings. The Segals note that despite the fact that AIDS is transmitted
only through sexual intercourse, blood transfusions and non- sterile hypodermic needles, the
infection has spread dramatically. During the first few years after its discovery, the number of
AIDS patients doubled every six months, and is still doubling every 12 months now though
numerous measures have been taken against it. Based on these figures, it is estimated that in
the US, which had 120,000 cases of AIDS at the end of 1988, 900,000 people will have AIDS or
will have died of it by the end of 1991. It is also estimated that the number of people infected is
at least ten times the number of those suffering from an acute case of AIDS. That in the year
1995 there will be between 10-14 million cases of AIDS and an additional 100 million people
infected, 80 percent of them in the US, while a possible vaccination will not be available before
1995 by the most optimistic estimates. Even when such vaccination becomes available, it will
not help those already infected. These and following figures have been reached at by several
different mainstream sources, such as the US Surgeon General and the Chief of the medical
services of the US Army.
“AIDS does not merely bring certain dangers with it; it is clearly a programmed catastrophe
for the human race, whose magnitude is comparable only with that of a nuclear war”, say the
Segals. ” They later explain what they mean by “programmed,” showing that the virus was
produced by humans, namely Dr. Robert Gallo of the Bethesda Cancer Research Center in
Maryland. When proceeding to prove their claims, the Segals are careful to note that:
“We have given preference to the investigative results of highly renowned laboratories,
whose objective contents cannot be doubted. We must emphasize, in this connection, that we
do not know of any findings that have been published in professional journals that contradict
our hypotheses.”
The first KNOWN cases of AIDS occurred in New York in 1979. The first DESCRIBED cases
were in California in 1979. The virus was isolated in Paris in May 1983, taken from a French
homosexual who had returned home ill from a trip to the East Coast of the US. One year later,
Robert Gallo and his co-workers at the Bethesda Cancer Research Center published their
discovery of the same virus, which is cytotoxic. ( i.e poisonous to cells ) Shortly after
publishing his discovery, Gallo stated to newspapers that the virus had developed by a
natural process from the Human Adult Leukemia virus, HTLV-1, which he had previously
discovered. However, this claim was not published in professional publications, and soon
after, Alizon and Montagnier, two researchers of the Pasteur Institute in Paris published
charts of HTLV-1 and HIV, showing that the viruses had basically different structures. They
also declared categorically that they knew of no natural process by which one of these two
forms could have evolved into the other.
According to the professional “science” magazine, the fall 1984 annual meeting of the
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), was almost entirely devoted
to the question of: to what extent new pathogenic agents could be produced via human
manipulation of genes. According to the Segals, AIDS was practically the sole topic of
The Segals discuss the findings of Gonda et al, who compared the HIV, visna and other
closely-related viruses and found that the visna virus is the most similar to HIV. The two were,
in fact, 60% identical in 1986. According to findings of the Hahn group, the mutation rate of
the HIV virus was about a million times higher than that of similar viruses, and that on the
average a 10% alteration took place every two years. That would mean that in 1984, the
difference between HIV and visna would have been only 30%, in 1982- 20%, 10% in 1980 and
zero in 1978. “This means,” say the Segals, “that at this time visna viruses changed into HIV,
receiving at the same time the ability to become parasites in human T4-cells and the high
genetic instability that is not known in other retroviruses. This is also consistent with the fact
that the first cases of AIDS appeared about one year later, in the spring of 1979.” “In his
comparison of the genomes of visna and HIV,” add the Segals, “Coffin hit upon a remarkable
feature. The env (envelope) area of the HIV genome, which encodes the envelope proteins
which help the virus to attach itself to the host cell, is about 300 nucleotides longer than the
same area in visna. This behaviour suggests that an additional piece has been inserted into
the genomes of the visna virus, a piece that alters the envelope proteins and enables them to
bind themselves to the T4-receptors. BUT THIS SECTION BEHAVES LIKE A
BIOLOGICALLY ALIEN BODY, which does not match the rest of the system biochemically.
The above mentioned work by Gonda et al shows that the HIV virus has a section of about
300 nucleotides, which does not exist in the visna virus. That length corresponds with what
Coffin described. That section is particularly unstable, which indicates that it is an alien
object. According to the Segals, it “originates in an HTLV-1 genome, (discovered by
Gallo-ED) for the likelihood of an accidental occurrence in HIV of a genome sequence 60%
identical with a section of the HTLV-1 that is 300 nucleotides in length is zero.” Since the
visna virus is incapable of attaching itself to human T4 receptors, it must have been the
transfer of the HTLV-1 genome section which gave visna the capability to do so. In other
words, the addition of HTLV-1 to visna made the HIV virus. In addition, the high mutation rate
of the HIV genome has been explained by another scientific team, Chandra et al, by the fact
that it is “a combination of two genome parts which are alien to each other BY ARTIFICIAL
MEANS rather than by a natural process of evolution, because this process would have
immediately eliminated, through natural selection, systems that are so replete with disorders.”
“These are the facts of the case,” say the Segals. “HIV is essentially a visna virus which
carries an additional protein monomer of HTLV-1 that has an epitope capable of bonding with
T4 receptors. Neither Alizon and Montagnier nor any other biologist know of any natural
mechanism that would make it possible for the epitope to be transferred from HTLV-1 to the
visna virus. For this reason we can come to only one conclusion: that this gene combination
arose by artificial means, through gene manipulation.”
“The construction of a recombinant virus by means of gene manipulation is extraordinarily
expensive, and it requires a large number of highly qualified personnel, complicated equipment
and expensive high security laboratories. Moreover, the product would have no commercial
value. Who, then,” ask the Segals, “would have provided the resources for a type of research
that was aimed solely at the production of a new disease that would be deadly to human
The English sociologist Allistair Hay (as well as Paxman et al in “A Higher Form of
Killing”-ED), published a document whose authenticity has been confirmed by the US
Congress, showing that a representative of the Pentagon requested in 1969 additional funding
for biological warfare research. The intention was to create, within the next ten years, a new
virus that would not be susceptible to the immune system, so that the afflicted patient would
not be able to develop any defense against it. Ten years later, in the spring of 1979, the first
cases of AIDS appeared in New York. “Thus began a phase of frantic experimentation,” say
the Segals. One group was working on trying to cause animal pathogens to adapt themselves
to life in human beings. This was done under the cover of searching for a cure for cancer. The
race was won by Gallo, who described his findings in 1975. A year later, Gallo described gene
manipulations he was conducting. In 1980 he published his discovery of HTLV.
In the fall of 1977, a P4 (highest security category of laboratory, in which human pathogens
are subjected to genetic manipulations) laboratory was officially opened in building 550 of
Fort Detrick, MD, the Pentagon s main biological warfare research center. “In an article in Der
Spiegel , Prof. Mollings point out that this type of gene manipulation was still extremely
difficult in 1977. One would have had to have a genius as great as Robert Gallo for this
purpose, note the Segals.”
Lo and behold. In a supposed compliance with the international accord banning the research,
production and storage of biological weapons, part of Fort Detrick was “demilitarized” and the
virus section renamed the “Frederick Cancer Research Facility”. It was put under the direction
of the Cancer Research Institute in neighbouring Bethesda, whose director was no other than
Robert Gallo. This happened in 1975, the year Gallo discovered HTLV. Explaining how the
virus escaped, the Segals note that in the US, biological agents are traditionally tested on
prisoners who are incarcerated for long periods, and who are promised freedom if they survive
the test. However, the initial HIV infection symptoms are mild and followed by a seemingly
healthy patient.
“Those who conducted the research must have concluded that the new virus was…not so
virulent that it could be considered for military use, and the test patients, who had seemingly
recovered, were given their freedom. Most of the patients were professional criminals and
New York City, which is relatively close, offered them a suitable milieu. Moreover, the patients
were exclusively men, many of them having a history of homosexuality and drug abuse, as is
often the case in American prisons.
It is understandable why AIDS broke out precisely in 1979, precisely among men and among
drug users, and precisely in New York City,” assert the Segals. They go on to explain that
whereas in cases of infection by means of sexual contact, incubation periods are two years
and more, while in cases of massive infection via blood transfusions, as must have been the
case with prisoners, incubation periods are shorter than a year. “Thus, if the new virus was
ready at the beginning of 1978 and if the experiments began without too much delay, then the
first cases of full-blown AIDS in 1979 were exactly the resultthat could have been expected.”
In the next three lengthy chapters, the Segals examine other theories, “legends” as they call
them, of the origins of AIDS. Dissecting each claim, they show that they have no scientific
standing, providing also the findings of other scientists. They also bring up the arguments of
scientists and popular writers who have been at the task of discounting them as “conspiracy
theorists” and show these writers shortcomings. Interested readers will have to read the
original article to follow those debates. I will only quote two more paragraphs:
“We often heard the argument that experiments with human volunteers are part of a barbaric
past, and that they would be impossible in the US today… We wish to present one single
document whose authenticity is beyond doubt. An investigative commission of the US House
of Representatives presented in October 1986 a final report concerning the Manhattan Project.
According to this document, between 1945 and 1975 at least 695 American citizens were
exposed to dangerous doses of radioactivity. Some of them were prisoners who had
volunteered, but they also included residents of old-age homes, inmates of insane asylums,
handicapped people in nursing homes, and even normal patients in public hospitals; most of
them were subjected to these experiments without their permission. Thus the barbaric past is
not really a thing of the past.” “It is remarkable that most of these experiments were carried out
in university institutes and federal hospitals, all of which are named in the report.
Nonetheless, these facts remained secret until 1984, and even then a Congressional committee
that was equipped with all the necessary authorization needed two years in order to bring
these facts to life. We are often asked how the work on the AIDS virus could have been kept
secret. Now, experiments performed on a few dozen prisoners in a laboratory that is subject to
military security can be far more easily kept secret than could be the Manhattan Project.”
AIDS – What’s new ?
Is the message getting through? We already know enough about AIDS to
prevent its spread, but ignorance, complacency, fear and bigotry continue to
stop many from taking adequate precautions.
We know enough about how the infection is transmitted to protect ourselves
from it without resorting to such extremes as mandatory testing, enforced
quarantine or total celibacy. But too few people are heeding the AIDS
message. Perhaps many simply don’t like or want to believe what they hear,
preferring to think that AIDS “can’t happen to them.” Experts repeatedly
remind us that infective agents do not discriminate, but can infect any and
everyone. Like other communicable diseases, AIDS can strike anyone. It is not
necessarily confined to a few high-risk groups. We must all protect ourselves
from this infection and teach our children about it in time to take effective
precautions. Given the right measures, no one need get AIDS.
The pandemic continues:
Many of us have forgotten about the virulence of widespread epidemics, such
as the 1917/18 influenza pandemic which killed over 21 million people,
including 50,000 Canadians. Having been lulled into false security by modern
antibiotics and vaccines about our ability to conquer infections, the Western
world was ill prepared to cope with the advent of AIDS in 1981. (Retro-
spective studies now put the first reported U.S. case of AIDS as far back as
1968.) The arrival of a new and lethal virus caught us off guard. Research
suggests that the agent responsible for AIDS probably dates from the 1950s,
with a chance infection of humans by a modified Simian virus found in African
green monkeys. Whatever its origins, scientists surmise that the disease
spread from Africa to the Caribbean and Europe, then to the U.S. Current
estimates are that 1.5 to 2 million Americans are now probably HIV carriers,
with higher numbers in Central Africa and parts of the Caribbean.
Recapping AIDS – the facts:
AIDS is an insidious, often fatal but less contagious disease than measles,
chicken pox or hepatitis B. AIDS is thought to be caused primarily by a virus
that invades white blood cells (lymphocytes) – especially T4-lymphocytes or
T-helper cells – and certain other body cells, including the brain. In 1983
and 1984, French and U.S. researchers independently identified the virus
believed to cause AIDS as an unusual type of slow-acting retrovirus now
called “human immunodeficiency virus” or HIV. Like other viruses, HIV is
basically a tiny package of genes. But being a retrovirus, it has the rare
capacity to copy and insert its genes right into a human cell’s own chromo-
somes (DNA). Once inside a human host cell the retrovirus uses its own
enzyme, reverse transcriptase, to copy its genetic code into a DNA molecule
which is then incorporated into the host’s DNA. The virus becomes an integral
part of the person’s body, and is subject to control mechanisms by which it
can be switched “on” or “off”. But the viral DNA may sit hidden and inactive
within human cells for years, until some trigger stimulates it to replicate.
Thus HIV may not produce illness until its genes are “turned on” five, ten,
fifteen or perhaps more years after the initial infection.
During the latent period, HIV carriers who harbour the virus without any
sign of illness can unknowingly infect others. On average, the dormant virus
seems to be triggered into action three to six years after first invading
human cells. When switched on, viral replication may speed along, producing
new viruses that destroy fresh lymphocytes. As viral replication spreads, the
lymphocyte destruction virtually sabotages the entire immune system. In
essence, HIV viruses do not kill people, they merely render the immune system
defenceless against other “opportunistic: infections, e.g. yeast invasions,
toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus and Epstein Barr infections, massive herpes
infections, special forms of pneumonia (Pneumocystis carinii – the killer in
half of all AIDS patients), and otherwise rare malignant tumours (such as
Kaposi’s sarcoma.)
Cofactors may play a crucial contributory role:
What prompts the dormant viral genes suddenly to burst into action and
start destroying the immune system is one os the central unsolved challenges
about AIDS. Some scientists speculate that HIV replication may be set off by
cofactors or transactivators that stimulate or disturb the immune system.
Such triggers may be genetically determined proteins in someone’s system, or
foreign substances from other infecting organisms – such as syphilis,
chlamydia, gonorrhea, HTLV-1 (leukemia), herpes, or CMV (cytomegalovirus) -
which somehow awaken the HIV virus. The assumption is that once HIV
replication gets going, the lymphocyte destruction cripples the entire immune
system. Recent British research suggest that some people may have a serum
protein that helps them resist HIV while others may have one that makes them
genetically more prone to it by facilitating viral penetration of T-helper
cells. Perhaps, says one expert, everybody exposed to HIV can become
infected, but whether or not the infection progresses to illness depends on
multiple immunogenic factors. Some may be lucky enough to have genes that
protect them form AIDS!
Variable period until those infected develop antibodies:
While HIV hides within human cells, the body may produce antibodies, but,
for reasons not fully understood, they don’t neutralise all the viruses. The
presence of HIV antibodies thus does not confer immunity to AIDS, nor prevent
HIV transmission. Carriers may be able to infect others. The usual time taken
to test positive for HIV antibodies after exposure averages from four to six
weeks but can take over a year. Most experts agree that within six months all
but 10 per cent of HIV-infected people “seroconvert” and have detectable
While HIV antibody tests can indicate infection, they are not foolproof.
The ELISA is a good screening test that gives a few “false positives” and
more “false negatives” indicating that someone who is infected has not yet
developed identifiable antibodies.) The more specific Western Blot test, done
to confirm a positive ELISA, is very accurate. However, absence of antibodies
doesn’t guarantee freedom form HIV, as someone may be in the “window period”
when, although already infected, they do not yet have measurable levels of
HIV antibodies. A seropositive result does not mean someone has AIDS; it
means (s)he is carrying antibodies, may be infectious and may develop AIDS at
some future time. As to how long seropositive persons remain infectious, the
June 1987 Third International Conference on AIDS was told to assume “FOR
What awaits HIV-carriers who test positive?:
On this issue of when those who test HIV positive will get AIDS, experts
think that the fast track to AIDS is about two years after HIV infection; the
slow route may be 10, 15, or more years until symptoms appear. Most
specialists agree that it takes at least two years to show AIDS symptoms
after HIV infection, and that within ten years as many as 75 per cent of
those infected may develop AIDS. A report from Atlanta’s CDC based on an
analysis of blood collected in San Francisco from 1978 to 1986, showed a
steady increase with time in the rate of AIDS development among HIV-infected
persons – 4 percent within three years; 14 percent after five years; 36
percent after seven years. The realistic, albeit doomsday view is that 100
percent of those who test HIV-positive may eventually develop AIDS.
Still spread primarily by sexual contact:
AIDS is still predominantly a sexually transmitted disease: The other main
route of HIV infection is via contaminated blood and shared IV needles. Since
the concentration of virus is highest in semen and blood, the most common
transmission route is from man to man via anal intercourse, or man to woman
via vaginal intercourse. Female HIV carriers can infect male sex partners.
Small amounts of HIV have been isolated from urine, tears, saliva, cereb-
rospinal and amniotic fluid and (some claim) breast milk. But current
evidence implicates only semen, blood, vaginal secretions and possibly breast
milk in transmission. Pregnant mothers can pass the infection to their
babies. While breastfeeding is a rare and unproven transmission route, health
officials suggest that seropositive mothers bottle feed their offspring.
AIDS is not confined to male homosexuals and the high risk groups: There
are now reports of heterosexual transmission – form IV drug users, hemo-
philiacs or those infected by blood transfusion to sexual partners. There are
a few reported cases of AIDS heterosexually acquired from a single sexual
encounter with a new, unknown mate. And there are three recent reports of
female-to-female (lesbian) transmissions.
Spread of AIDS among drug users alarming:
In many cities, e.g. New York and Edinburgh, where IV drug use is wide-
spread, IV drug users often share blood-contaminated needles. In New York,
more than 53 percent of drug users are HIV-infected and may transmit the
infection to the heterosexual population by sexual contact and transmission
from mother to child. Studies in Edinburgh, where 51 percent of drug users
are HIV-infected, show that providing clean needles isn’t enough to stem
infection. Even given free disposable needles, many drug abusers preferred
the camaraderie of shared equipment. Only with added teaching programs and
free condom offers, are educational efforts likely to pay off. In New Jersey,
offering free treatment coupons plus AIDS education brought 86 percent of
local drug users to classes. A San Francisco program issued pocket-size
containers of chlorine bleach to IVDAs with instructions on how to kill HIV
viruses. The Toronto Addiction Research Foundation notes a similar demand for
AIDS information.
Risk of infection via blood transfusion very slight:
Infection by blood transfusion is very rare in Canada today. As of November
1985, the Red Cross, which supplies all blood and blood products to Canadian
hospitals, had routinely tested all blood donations for the HIV antibody. In
1986, when we last discussed AIDS, the Red Cross reported the incidence of
HIV-positive blood samples as 25 in 100,000. Now, at the start of 1988, only
10 per 100,000 blood samples are found to be infected – which, of course, are
discarded. Only a tiny fraction of HIV-positive blood (from HIV-infected
people who haven’t yet developed detectable antibodies) can now slip through
the Red Cross screening procedure. The minimal risk is further decreased by
screening methods, medical history-taking, questionnaires and donor inter-
views. Very few people at risk of AIDS now come to give blood. The “self-
elimination form”, filled out in a private booth, allows any who feel
compelled by peer pressure to donate blood, total privacy to check the box
that says “Do not use my blood for transfusion.”
As to banking one’s own blood, or autologous donations, the Red Cross
permits a few “medically suitable” people, referred by their physician, to
store their blood if they are likely to need blood transfusion in upcoming
elective surgery. They can bank up to four units of blood, taken in the five
weeks before surgery.
Finally – it can be categorically stated – IT IS ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE TO
Minimal risk to health care workers:
While health care personnel face a slight risk of HIV infection, all cases
reported to date have been due to potentially avoidable mishaps or failure to
follow recommended precautions. Of thousands caring for AIDS patients
worldwide, only a tiny percentage has become infected, and so far no Canadian
health personnel have become HIV-infected. A survey done by the Federal
Centre for AIDS (FCA) of 50 workers occupationally exposed to AIDS showed
that none became infected. A british hospital study on staff looking after
400 AIDS patients over several years found none who became HIV-positive. In
one U.S. survey, 7 out of 2,500 health care workers seroconverted and
developed HIV antibodies all by potentially avoidable accidents such as
needle pricks, exposure to large amounts of blood, body fluids spattered into
unprotected mouth, eyes or open sores. The reported mishaps underscore the
need for rigorous, vigilant compliance with preventive guidelines.
Universal body substance precautions (BSP) urged:
The newest guidelines suggest that every health care worker, including
dentists, should handle all blood and body fluids as if infectious. Testing
all patients for HIV is not practical and does not confer protection. Rely-
ing on tests that are not 100 per cent accurate would only induce a false
sense of security. Rather than trying to identify infected persons, the CDC
and Ottawa’s FCA now promote a philosophy that regards all patients as
potentially infected. (At Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, about six percent of
admissions to the Traumatic Emergency Unit recently tested HIV-positive.)
Hospital and health care workers (including those caring for patients at
home) are encouraged to “think AIDS” and protect themselves. All patients
should be handled in a way that minimizes exposure to blood and body fluids,
e.g. by always wearing gloves when touching open sores, mucous membranes,
taking blood, attending emergencies, putting in IV needles, touching blood-
soiled items, with scrupulous hand-washing between patients (and whenever
gloves are removed), wearing masks, eye protection, plastic aprons and gowns
when appropriate. Taking such precautions will not only protect against AIDS
but also against more infectious agents such as hepatitis B and some hospital
acquired infections. We are all being forced to remember stringent anti-
infection rules!
Absolutely no evidence of spread by casual contact:
All the research to date points to the fact that AIDS is not very easy to
catch. One University of Toronto microbiologist speculates that thos